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Ethereum opens super permissions? Litecoin renamed? Have you been fooled this April Fool’s Day? (

Because of the jet lag, this April Fool’s Day lasted for two days.

Organizing: Zhang Jingan

In the past two days, unbelievable news broke frequently, and then it was proved to be a joke on April Fool’s Day. The humor of the encrypted world, true and false, do you understand?

Ethereum developers submit EIP-3455 draft to open “super permissions” for users?

The Ethereum developers tweeted that they submitted the EIP-3455 draft, suggesting the introduction of the “SUDO” opcode to allow any sender address to recall the issued tokens. Currently, the draft is still in the open discussion stage. Specifically, the “SUDO” opcode parameter is the same as the “CALL”, and there is another parameter for specifying the sender’s address. The specific discussion specifications of “SUDO” include backward compatibility, test cases, reference implementations, and safety precautions.

What makes this joke more real or more interesting is that YFI founder Andre Cronje said, “EIP-3455 is more important than EIP-1559.” Ethereum engineer Anthon Sassano also said, “EIP-3455 will solve Many problems, willing to pay 1 million US dollars to achieve this goal as soon as possible.”

Litecoin was renamed BitcoinLite?

The Litecoin Foundation announced that Litecoin has been renamed BitcoinLite and the Twitter name has also been changed. The official reason for the name change is that it is logical to change “Litecoin”, which is the same as Bitcoin’s PoW, algorithm-led, and no pre-mining, to “BitcoinLite”. In addition, the official also elaborated on the inner meaning of “Lite”, inspired by the dairy products on the market, such as light butter and light yogurt, which provide healthier alternatives to the original products. BitcoinLite also means staying close to the original product Bitcoin, but at the same time being different.

In the end, the news that Litecoin was renamed was an April Fool’s Day Litecoin Foundation’s marketing campaign. At this time of April Fool’s Day, it is also a good idea to make Litecoin less boring.

The Ethereum Solidity team announced that each version of Solidity will be minted as NFT?

The Ethereum programming language Solidity team announced that 88 historical Solidity versions and new versions to be released later will be minted as NFTs. Each version will be minted only once, and the auction will be conducted in batches. Solidity stated that the funds raised will be used to fund development work related to Solidity, and NFT owners will be able to vote on this.

Mask Network was acquired by Facebook for US$20 billion?

The Mask Network developers tweeted that Mask Network (MASSK) was acquired by Facebook for US$20 billion. This is one of the largest acquisitions in Facebook’s history, and will also join the Facebook board of directors, continuing to work on the multi-chain world of Mask Network, including Libra.

Ethereum opens super permissions? Litecoin renamed? Have you been fooled this April Fool's Day?

Hot comments in the comment area “China is now April 2nd, (so this must be true).”

Musk is going to send Dogecoin to the moon?

Ethereum opens super permissions? Litecoin renamed? Have you been fooled this April Fool's Day?

Although it is a joke, Dogecoin has once again gone out of a big wave because of Musk’s “favor”.

Tennis superstar Roger Federer has bought $10 million worth of bitcoin?

Roger Federer has purchased 10 million US dollars worth of bitcoin, and after verification, the news is an April Fools’ Day joke.
Roger Federer is the longest consecutive singles in the history of the ATP world record for the first week (237 weeks, 2004-2008), in the Grand Slam men’s singles won 20 championships, 11 runner-up winners.

Teletubbies issue TubbyCoin tokens?

Teletubbies issued TubbyCoin tokens as a joke on April Fools’ Day. However, Teletubbies officially stated that fans sharing and using the “TubbyCoin” tag on social media will help donate to the “Children Assistance Hotline”. Each additional use will increase by 1 Canadian dollar, and will eventually donate 5000 Canadian dollars to 10,000 Canadian dollars.

Ethereum opens super permissions? Litecoin renamed? Have you been fooled this April Fool's Day?

India’s largest e-commerce company Flipkart accepts Bitcoin payments?

Flipkart, India’s largest e-commerce company, said that it will accept Bitcoin payments. Flipkart claims that it has more than 200 million users as of July, which means that the platform’s support for encrypted payments may be beneficial to the Indian market. This is contrary to the Indian government’s ban on private cryptocurrencies in the country. Flipkart later confirmed that it was an April Fools’ Day joke .

The large Swiss publisher Netzmedien AG uses Bitcoin to pay wages?

The large Swiss publisher Netzmedien AG announced that it will start using Bitcoin to pay employees’ salaries. This news is an April Fool’s Day joke .

The US SEC unexpectedly announced the approval of two Bitcoin ETFs?

Finance Magnates reported on April 1 that the U.S. SEC accidentally announced that it had approved the listing of two Bitcoin ETFs, but the SEC Twitter screenshot attached to the article clicked on to a Youtube music video, and the end of the report stated: “So far, Jay Clayton, the chairman of the U.S. SEC, has remained silent on this matter and only said one shocking sentence: Happy April Fools’ Day.”

Bitmain launches Antminer-Less, the first generation GPU miner?

Bitmain officially announced the launch of the first generation GPU miner Antminer-Less, a joke for April Fools’ Day. The end of the article is marked with the words “We published this article in the spirit of April Fools’ Day.”

Ethereum opens super permissions? Litecoin renamed? Have you been fooled this April Fool's Day?
In addition, the download name of the mining machine display on the official website is also “April-Fools-Post”.


There are many similar jokes. Maybe it is humorous for a while, or it may be a wave of enthusiasm at this time of April Fool’s Day. But we have seen many companies in the non-crypto industry participate, and cryptocurrency has once again come out of the circle. April Fool’s Day is coming to an end, but there are still true and false information, which is worth exploring.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, the articles published on this site only represent the author’s personal views, and have nothing to do with the position of ChainNews. The information, opinions, etc. in the article are for reference only, and are not intended as or regarded as actual investment advice.

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Experts divided on BTC predictions: Bullish or super bullish? (

Despite the current battle between Bitcoin bulls and bears around the $50,000 price mark — and an 8.7% pullback over the past 24 hours — a raft of analysts and commentators have got out their crystal balls to tip a glittering future for Bitcoin prices.

On Mar. 4, Senior Commodity Strategist for Bloomberg Intelligence Mike McGlone pointed to historical data to suggest that Bitcoin is on the way to $100,000.

McGlone’s logic revolves around the growing discount for shares in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust which is at the same level as last year’s Black Thursday collapse. The discount refers to when shares in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust trade for less than the value of the underlying Bitcoin (normally they trade at a premium).

Looking at historical data, said that

Twitter user “Lee Hendricks” wasn’t convinced, suggesting the catalyst for Grayscale’s discount could be the result of pressure from upcoming ETFs and other crypto funds. (Although that’s arguably bullish too.)

The Bloomberg strategist isn’t the only expert with high expectations for BTC, with influencer and YouTuber Lark Davis stating on Mar. 4 that “we are just now past the first major price wave,” with two more, larger waves to come.

On March 2, technical analyst Kaleo posted a chart predicting BTC will hit $100,000 near the start of April this year.

It’s a follow-up on his “Bitcoin Halving Reward Era Price” analysis chart two years ago predicting the price would reach $200,000 around mid-2021. He tweeted two weeks ago that he still has faith in it:

“It is by far the most accurate, long-term chart prediction I’ve ever seen for Bitcoin… 

$BTC will hit $200K+ this cycle.”

Another analyst who goes by the Twitter name MasterChangz, told his 10,000 followers he believes Bitcoin will hit the $200,000 mark even earlier than mid-2021, potentially at the start of April. The next rise, he said, is to $77,000 over the next two weeks.

Other predictions are even bolder with Kraken CEO Jesse Powell stating the cryptocurrency could reach $1 million or even “infinity” in a Bloomberg television interview on Mar. 4, adding that it will eventually become the world’s currency.

“We can only speculate, but when you measure it in terms of dollars, you have to think it’s going to infinity,” he said. “The true believers will tell you that it’s going all the way to the moon, to Mars and eventually, will be the world’s currency.”

Kraken Head of Growth Dan Held, echoed this prediction on Mar. 5, claiming on Twitter that:

“Bitcoin is more likely to hit $1,000,000 than $0.”

Even past Bitcoin skeptics are becoming crypto converts with investment firm Sanders Morris Harris CEO George Ball admitting to Yahoo Finance on Mar. 4 that he believes cryptocurrencies are now “attractive” as a “small part” of any portfolio.

“With the cryptocurrencies, I think there is a fundamental hydra-headed shift that makes them attractive as a part, a small part, of almost any portfolio,” Ball said.

Despite this wave of optimism, history also suggests March could be a bloody month, with Bitcoin’s price falling across the month in six of the past nine years by an average of 5.8%. The most recent of these occurred last year on Black Thursday when the price plunged by 50%. That said, the second-biggest monthly candle in BTC history happened in March 2013, when the price shot up 179%.

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Image Credit: Refer to Source
Author: Refer to Source Cointelegraph By Joshua Mapperson


In 2020, 12 “super communicators” in the mainstream of crypto assets (

The crypto asset market in 2020 is impressive. Huge capital power and strong innovation are two-wheeled promotion, the industry is hot and restless, Bitcoin, DeFi, Ethereum 2.0, Polkadot, Filecoin are dazzling.

Among them, there are some key figures who can be called the “super spreaders” of the industry-in epidemiology, super spreaders refer to an extremely infectious organism, often 20% of infected persons can cause 80% The spread of cases-Xiaobian identified these 12 key figures, who played a huge role in pushing the encrypted digital asset market to its climax.

Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve

It’s hard to say that Powell is a key person in the industry, but the series of Fed releases under his rule eventually pushed up the price of Bitcoin and other assets-no one should object to this conclusion.

In order to prevent the U.S. economy from collapsing under the pressure of the new crown epidemic, this year, Powell asked the Fed to purchase a record amount of Treasury bonds, effectively printed and distributed more than $3 trillion in new currency, and almost doubled the Fed’s balance sheet. . Such a loose monetary policy environment has allowed previously skeptical investors (including Wall Street whales like Paul Tudor Jones and Stanley Druckenmiller) to take cryptocurrencies seriously.

Barry Silbert, founder and CEO of Digital Currency Group, founder of Grayscale

The most searched institution in the currency circle this year is probably Grayscale, and the boss behind Grayscale is Barry Silbert.

He started his personal investment in Bitcoin in 2012, and invested in today’s crypto giants such as Coinbase, Bitpay, and Ripple in 13 years. In the same year, he directly promoted the private equity trading platform SecondMarket he founded in 2004 to establish an encrypted asset trust company Gray Investment (Grayscale) and the prototype department of Genesis Trading, a Bitcoin OTC trading platform.

2020 is the year when Sibelt achieves the “Grand Slam”. For grayscale alone, as of December 29, its officially announced total scale of encrypted asset management reached US$18.8 billion, and any grayscale disturbances will affect the sentiment of the crypto market.

Now, people are speculating whether DCG will go to the capital market for IPO after Coinbase.

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square

In 2020, Jack Dorsey reiterated his love for Bitcoin: “I think the Bitcoin white paper is one of the most groundbreaking works of computer science in the past two to three decades. It is a poem.”

However, this is nothing new. As early as 2018, Jack Dorsey expressed his belief that Bitcoin will eventually become the world’s single currency in the next ten years. And stated on the 2018 conference call: “For us, Bitcoin will not stop trading. We really believe that this is a transformative technology for our industry, and we hope to learn as soon as possible.”

Under his impetus, not only Twitter has become a home base for Bitcoin and confidential asset evangelists, but Square has also launched crypto asset-related services. A report in August this year showed that its Cash APP’s Bitcoin transaction revenue increased by 600% over last year, reaching US$875 million. Cryptocurrencies also account for nearly half of Square’s total sales of $1.92 billion.

As of now, Square’s bitcoin holdings have reached 4709 bitcoins, ranking 11th on the Whale List.

Elon Musk

Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk have tremendous influence. Like Jack Dorsey, these influences have made him a super spreader of crypto assets. As we all know, Musk is the holder of Dogecoin.

On December 20th, he released a number of Bitcoin-related information. Not only did he write “Bitcoin is my security password”, but he also asked the CEO of MicroStrategy to change Tesla’s balance sheet. “Amount transaction” is the possibility of converting to Bitcoin, and said: “The structure of Bitcoin is perfect.” However, he rejected the proposal to allow Tesla to get involved in cryptocurrency.

On December 30, he again stated that Martian residents may use cryptocurrencies similar to Bitcoin.

Cathrine Wood, founder of ARK Invest

Recently, not just Wall Street, but the entire currency circle has been screened by a female fund manager Catherine Wood. ARK Invest, which she is in charge, has soared 170% in its product net value this year. It has never been seen before and reached the top in one fell swoop, becoming the number one fund among more than 2,400 funds in the United States.

And Katherine Wood also won the title of the female version of Buffett. Looking through the investment book of Ark Investment, Tesla and Bitcoin are the most successful investments this year. In 2015, when many people were still wondering what Bitcoin was, ARKW, a subsidiary of Ark Investment, entered the game in person and invested in GBTC issued by Grayscale Investment. At the time, the price of Bitcoin was only $250.

Today, Ark Investment is still a large holder of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, holding a total of US$180 million in GBTC. More than 200 million US dollars at the peak. “We are all looking for the next big thing. Those who look back at the benchmark have nothing to do with the future.”

Paul Tudor Jones, legendary Wall Street trader

Paul Tudor Jones was once ranked second among living traders by CNBC, and the first was the famous George Soros. Jones started his financial career in the middle of 1970, starting from trading cotton, and has a remarkable record. Established his own Tudor Fund in 1984, starting from 1.5 million U.S. dollars, and by the end of 1992, the total fund increased to 6 billion U.S. dollars.

On the morning of May 8, Beijing time, Bitcoin broke through the $10,000 mark, setting a new high since February. Bloomberg revealed that a Jones fund is buying bitcoin derivatives as a hedge against inflation-because central banks around the world are printing money to ease the economy hit by the new crown virus.

Jones likened the purchase of Bitcoin to “having the fastest horse” in the upcoming inflation race, and pointed out: “If I had to predict, I would bet that the fastest horse would be Bitcoin.” Jones’s Remarks and behavior are interpreted as a bullish indicator that can particularly resonate with conservative traditional investors.

Michael Saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy

Of all the news that promoted Bitcoin’s growth this year, MicroStrategy CEO Michael Thaler was the most confusing. But because of MicroStrategy’s behavior of buying and buying Bitcoin, he was completely on fire.

The US stock-listed company, whose business has been in trouble, ignored Citigroup’s warning to lower its stock rating and started buying bitcoin in August. In early December, it raised $650 million in debt to buy bitcoin. As of December 21, the number of bitcoins held by the company reached 70,470, ranking only behind Grayscale,, and Coinshares. During the same period, the company’s stock price has risen by more than 120%.

Michael Seller even claimed to hold 17,732 bitcoins, and the average purchase price was 9882 US dollars. Now, he has become one of the most powerful evangelists for Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin is a million times better than gold, and it takes 100 years to hold it.”

Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum

This year is not a year for Vitalik to “operate” hard. Compared with previous years, Vitalik’s exposure is not much, and communication with the industry is limited. But this year, Ethereum 2.0 has finally taken an important step, and ETH has also set a new high in two and a half years-Vitalik’s results are not bad.

Vitalik said, “Blockchain has no killer applications, but the blockchain ecology is a killer network.” Ethereum is continuing to evolve, becoming a killer network, and various technological innovations (such as Layer 2 expansion) and application innovations are flourishing.

DeFi has made breakthroughs and new progress, which is remarkable, and once again welded ETH’s pivotal position in the crypto asset industry where new assets continue to rise. Almost 80% of new assets rely on the Ethereum network.

This is also an important reason why Vitalik has become a super communicator. We cannot do without Ethereum, and it is hard not to pay attention to V God.

Gavin Wood, founder of Polkadot

Unlike Vitalik’s relatively “low-key”, Gavin Wood appeared on the stage very frequently this year. In return, Polkadot’s progress in 2020 is breakthrough: launching the main network, rapid development of ecological projects, and preparing for parallel chain slots Pac, token splits, large increase in transaction volume, staking amount not to increase, and price hit a record high… The latest news is that by the end of 2020, 100+ chains are ready to connect to Polkadot, and 60+ The testnet is online.

The journey of Web3.0 is long and Polkadot has made a good start. But next, people care: Can Polkadot replicate the success of Ethereum? Will Polkadot become another EOS?

Andrew Cronje (Andre Cronje, AC for short), founder of YFI

For the crypto asset industry, Andrew Klogne is simply a genius who fell out of thin air. Without prominent qualifications and background, he is unknown. However, no one will deny his contribution in the DeFi field. From a YFI to a large number of AC-based encrypted assets, every step of Andrew Klogne is extraordinary, and he is also a super active “Twitter”. It seems that as long as there is the blessing of AC, this asset will have its own aura. He really doesn’t need to go into details.

Hayden Adam, founder of Uniswap

Compared with Uniswap’s huge influence, Hayden Adams is slightly low-key. But like Andrew Klogne, Adams was an airborne genius.

On November 2, 2018, when he announced the official launch of Uniswap on Twitter, Adams had only 200 followers on Twitter. His entry into DeFi was also entirely an unexpected development of interest.

On July 6, 2017, the first Siemens job as a mechanical engineer after graduating from Adams University did not go well. He was fired. Frustrated, he lost direction in life, so he sought comfort from his friend Karl Floersch. On Karl’s suggestion, Adams learned Ethereum, Solidy and Javascript, and then he decided to design an automated market maker (AMM) product-this is Uniswap.

DeFi is on fire, Uniswap is on fire, Adams is on fire. Uniswap v2 was launched in May of this year, and it was just right. It allows anyone with access to the Internet, Ethereum wallets and ETH/ERC20 tokens to seamlessly exchange assets in a permissionless manner. The automatic market maker model has attracted a large number of imitators and followers.

SBF, founder of FTX and Alameda

SBF is a controversial figure. He is talented and hardworking enough to be active enough on social networks or in front of the media-of course he is also successful enough this year. It is hard to imagine that around this 28-year-old former Wall Street trader, an influential crypto empire has been formed:

The digital currency trading platform FTX is on the rise, and Solana-based decentralized trading platform Serum has surfaced. Alameda Research has become one of the largest liquidity providers and market makers in the digital currency market. Its business covers trading, OTC, research and analysis ,investment.

In addition to the US$150 million acquisition of Blockfolio, a crypto asset management tool, numerous crypto startups invested in, and personally taking over the control of SushiSwap, a liquid mining project that has fallen into a crisis of trust among the founders (but SBF said that “taking over” is a misunderstanding, he Doesn’t hold control)-Some people say that a new “DeFi gang” has formed.


How does Tao Rongqi, the well-known KOL super king and the founder of X-Order, view the current situation? (

Text | Qiu Xiangyu

Original title: Bitcoin breaks 20,000, an unimaginable surge!

The market was caught off guard! On the evening of December 16, Bitcoin finally broke through $20,000. Babbitt 8 asked the big event to quickly organize “Bitcoin breaks 20,000, and it’s unimaginable!” 》Live, the guests invited Tao Rongqi, the well-known KOL super king and X-Order founder, to witness history and look forward to the future.

The following are exciting content:

Do you expect the market to break 20,000 yuan tonight?

Tao Rongqi:

My psychological expectation is that the price of Bitcoin will exceed 20,000 at the end of January or February next year. Because from May to July this year, it took three months to wear down 10,000. It only took about one month to break through 20,000 this time, but it was actually quite short. But anyway, a breakthrough was made. A breakthrough is a good thing. You can be happy.

Why did Bitcoin break 20,000 at this time tonight?

Super gentleman:

I’m the Kezhouqiujian faction. December 17 is a very good day. If you turn to December 17 of the past few years, Bitcoin has performed very well. Therefore, Bitcoin’s performance today has further verified the advanced nature of the Kezhouqiujian School.

20,000 is not a big resistance. Combined with the previous trend, 10,000-13,000 is the real strong resistance. Why did it break through at this time? It is a historical precedent. I also like to look at the past. In December 2016, Bitcoin also broke through the previous high, which was the previous high of 7000 RMB. After breaking through the previous high, he was smashed down by 30 to 40%, and then immediately came back. Therefore, there is a precedent for a breakthrough in the bull market in December. Of course, the top often occurs in December, for example, December in 2017, for example, December in 2013 is at the top, so it is easy to break through or cause the top in December.

Why did Bitcoin soar this year?

Tao Rongqi:

According to the price at the beginning of the year, Bitcoin’s rise is not that exaggerated. It was about 7,000 at the beginning of the year, and now it is 20,000, which is basically about three times that. If you look at the price at the beginning of last year and the high point last year, the price at the beginning of last year was about three or four thousand, and the high point last year was 13,000, which is probably more than four times higher. In fact, 4 times this year has not risen. What kind of force pulled Bitcoin? In fact, since last year, mainstream views have recognized that the price of Bitcoin has nothing to do with Chinese capital. Now we say that the price of buying or selling is mainly based on coinbase.

Of course, this need not be surprised. The reason is very simple. Chinese forces can no longer participate in it. Funding in and out is very troublesome, and there is not much room for maneuvering inside.

I have written on Weibo for 7 years from 2013 to this year. After the past 6 years, I may spend a lot of time on Weibo. I will spend more time on Twitter this year. Why? Because it is now dominated by foreign countries, there is actually no high-quality content output in China.

If you are active on Twitter, you will find that more and more Wall Street institutions are entering Bitcoin, and you will feel this change deeply.

In 2013, we were fantasizing about buying coins on Wall Street, buying coins on PayPal, and Amazon accepting Bitcoin as payment. At the time, we all thought it was an illusion. Everyone brags about it. In fact, we don’t have much confidence in what time. to accompish this goal.

Seven years later, we have seen step by step become reality. Wall Street institutions are indeed buying Bitcoin, and we can buy GBTC on US stocks. PayPal is really able to buy Bitcoin. Another well-known video website accepted Bitcoin as a payment channel.

When this fact is placed in front of you, you will be very emotional, that is to say, I am finally right. In fact, the rise of Bitcoin is a very natural thing.

The price of Bitcoin now has little to do with domestic prices. Institutions only buy bitcoins, and then bitcoins rise more and more. The market that everyone expects to supplement the rise of mainstream currencies has not come. Our domestic currency users may have more mainstream currencies or altcoins.

Combining the global macro-political and economic situation to talk about the inevitable reasons for Bitcoin’s rise this year

Tao Rongqi:

The most important reason is that the U.S. dollar or global central banks are releasing water. We can see that every bear market comes because of interest rate hikes. Every bull market comes because of interest rate cuts or even more exaggerated QE.

We turned our eyes back to the 18-year bear market. It is obvious that the Fed raised interest rates that year. By 19, it has not raised interest rates much, so you see it started to rise. This year, not only did not cut interest rates, but started to send money frantically, driving up the Nasdaq stock market frantically. There is really no way.

For Bitcoin, under the big macro, it is actually very late to break through the previous high. If you look at all the mainstream assets in the world, gold has broken the previous high, and the A-share CSI 300 index has also broken the previous high. Needless to say, Nasdaq has broken the previous high. Bitcoin, which is only a digital currency, has not broken the previous high, which in itself is a very strange thing. Bitcoin is the last mainstream asset to break the previous high. It broke the previous high in the last one, and may also rush higher.

What is the future trend of Bitcoin?

Tao Rongqi:

This time breaking 20,000 is more anxious, if you go to the 5th line or weekly or monthly line, it is still more anxious. Compared with the process of breaking 10,000, it basically just went up after a short rest. Whether it will directly reach 30,000, most people will think that they will go up first, and then step back. Personally, when I look at the price of Bitcoin now, I pay more attention to these indicators of futures. For example, is the speculative component (and the spot premium) in futures more or less? If the speculative component of futures is crazy, you must pay attention to risks.

If you put it in the futures, how much you have tortured the confidence of the bulls before, you can make up for how high the rise will be later. This is particularly obvious when placed two months ago. Two months ago, it went from 12,000 times to less than 10,000. The process actually wiped out most of the confidence of the bulls. Will it come down again after this time? I think there is a probability. I even think it will be soon. It may be the end of this month, after Christmas.

My personal expectation is to be around US$50,000 to US$70,000 next year. In fact, it is relatively conservative, because it has increased by 10 times according to the trend in 17 years. If it fails to reach 50,000, I think there may be some problems in the market.

I am the Kezhouqiujian faction, and the current trend is from the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017. But I don’t have much operation. I am still a farmer, slowly digging DeFi, and then changing to more bitcoins. In fact, I rarely do trades, and I don’t know how much I can rise to. I hope the more the better.

It has reached a record high of 20,000 US dollars. How should retail investors operate?

Super gentleman:

I am also a retail investor myself, so I fetch my wool and hoard Bitcoin.

I want to share with you one of my personal ways that I can definitely make money. There are two to three times a year. In a certain period of time, a large number of people will liquidate their positions in futures, and the liquidation will reach the negative premium of bitmex for a month. Most people’s money has been laundered. Once this happens, you just need to buy it.

What else is worth paying attention to besides Bitcoin?

Tao Rongqi:

I think the US stock market will end next year, and Bitcoin will skyrocket, but will it follow the US stock market? I don’t know. Next year, some domestic assets, such as stocks and real estate in Shenzhen, will also be stable assets. Our slogan is long China, long crypto.

At present, Bitcoin and Ethereum are favored, and another very important track is stable currency. It is possible for stable currency projects to rank in the top three.

Is it a bull market now?

Tao Rongqi:

It depends on what coin you have. Reappearing the state where garbage can go to the sky at the end of 2017 and early 2018, may not be there again. The market will become smarter. The world is the same, good is better, bad is worse. Institutions are actually smarter than retail investors. They will get together to hoard bitcoins. If there is a better target next year, they will get together to hoard them, hoard them until they die, and pull it to a high level. Some other things may disappear slowly without being noticed.