
Ethereum scaling solution StarkWare announces token launch (

StarkWare, an Ethereum scaling solution that uses cryptographic proofs called Starks to help scale the blockchain, has launched a native governance token, details shared on Wednesday show. The startup says the token, dubbed “StarkNet Token”, is a critical step in the platform’s decentralization following its mainnet launch on Ethereum in November 2021. Are you looking […]

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Binance integrates Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, Arbitrum One (

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Ethereum’s approach to scaling is not ‘going to be enough!’ What’s the impact? (

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The FTX Podcast #54 – Flood Bitcoin on Scaling as a Trader (

The FTX Podcast #54 - Flood Bitcoin on Scaling as a Trader

A great episode to look deeper into the pieces that differentiate a profitable trader from a losing one. Flood has deep insights into the things both objective and subjective to pay attention to when learning how to trade, and then scaling that trading to a career.

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“Scaling” is not as good as “time”, Libra’s compliance road hides mystery (

Lead: Recently, the world’s largest social networking site launched by the US-led Facebook virtual currency Libra (Libra currency) regarding the issue, in silence for a long time there has been a new turn. However, behind Libra’s compliance posture is a mystery.

According to the “Financial Times” report, subject to regulatory approval, Libra may take the lead in launching a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar in January next year. The specific issuance time also depends on the review of the payment system license application of the Swiss Financial Market Supervision Authority (FINMA).


At the same time, in order to obtain the issuance approval of the regulator as soon as possible, while emphasizing the independence of the project, Libra also changed its name to Diem (day time currency), which means “day, day” in Latin. (Note: This article continues to use Libra related titles)

The Libra Association, a non-profit organization responsible for handling Libra-related matters, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Stuart Levey, CEO of the association and former chief legal officer of HSBC, said that the name change is part of the project adjustment to emphasize the simpler structure of Libra.

What is Libra?

In June 2019, the Libra version 1.0 white paper released by Facebook stated that Libra, as a simple and borderless currency, will provide financial services to billions of people around the world. Its vision is that no matter where people are or what kind of work people are doing, transferring funds can be as easy, cheap and safe as texting or photos.

The white paper mentioned that the financial infrastructure provided by Libra includes three systems. One is technology, that is, Libra is built on the basis of a secure and scalable blockchain. The second is value, that is, the value of Libra is backed by asset reserves. The exchange of Libra requires corresponding asset collateral, including sovereign currency, government bonds, etc. The third is governance, that is, Libra is managed by an independent association.

In April 2020, the Libra 2.0 white paper was released. Compared with version 1.0, in this version of the white paper, many changes have taken place. Among them, the most core change is Libra’s compromise with decentralized ideas, and a large degree of concessions and adjustments in terms of regulatory compliance for smooth issuance.


In terms of the compliance process, Libra will establish a framework for financial compliance and cyber risk management, while also setting standards for anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism, compliance with sanctions, and prevention of illegal and criminal activities. In addition, the Libra network will also improve market access standards, conduct investigations and filings of association members, distributors, and dealers, monitor network activities, and cooperate with regulatory agencies to act as part of the financial intelligence agency.

Judging from the current situation, if Libra can be launched as scheduled, it will become the world’s first unofficial virtual (digital) currency that meets the highest regulatory compliance standards and is clearly centralized.

World currency dream

The so-called “world currency” refers to the international reserve currency, that is, a currency that is generally accepted by all countries in the world and plays a general equivalent role in the circulation of international commodities. As a world currency, it not only means the value of commodities, but also as a means of international payment, purchase and asset transfer.

In fact, when a sovereign currency wants to become a world currency, in addition to the economic strength of the currency issuing country and the guarantee of currency stability, it is also a necessary condition for the currency to be unanimously recognized by the user countries. The first to become the world currency was the British pound, followed by the US dollar and the euro. With the rapid development of China’s economy, the renminbi is likely to become a new generation of world currency.

In April 2020, Facebook’s financial report data showed that the daily active users of its “Family Bucket” (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger) business were 2.36 billion daily and 2.99 billion monthly active users. According to statistics, Facebook has the largest number of Indian users in the world, about 300 million, while it has 190 million, 123 million and 120 million users in the United States, Brazil and Indonesia, respectively.


As of December 02, 2020, the total global population is close to 7.6 billion. Among them, China ranks first with about 1.4 billion, followed by India with about 1.35 billion, while the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil occupy the third to fifth positions with 320 million, 260 million and 210 million respectively.

In other words, apart from China, Facebook has a user share of 22.2% in India, 59.3% in the United States, 58.5% in Brazil, and 46.1% in Indonesia among the top five most populous countries in the world, and its global users account for the total population. Up to nearly 40%. This means that, with its huge global user base and business advantages, Libra has the conditions to set foot in the “sacred domain” of the world currency.

Not only that, the blockchain technology with decentralization as the core idea, the value network formed provides an appropriate carrying mechanism for the convenient and low-cost circulation of world currencies, and on the basis of satisfying a series of sovereign currency value exchanges, The resulting international unified payment and settlement system can support the realization of Libra’s original vision to the greatest extent.

Wings and Compromise

However, dreams are wonderful, and reality is cruel after all.

Regarding the Libra issuance plan, considering a series of potential high risks such as the stability of financial order, privacy protection, taxation issues, and network security, the US legislative and regulatory agencies have adopted an attitude of questioning, monitoring, and suppression. In the meantime, the U.S. Congress held several hearings specifically for Libra.


(Facebook founder and CEO: Mark Zuckerberg)

Regarding Libra’s security and other issues, the US regulatory level is mainly concerned. First, for new technologies such as blockchain, relevant regulatory laws and regulations have not yet been formed, and any development may undermine the normal order of the existing financial system. Second, the anonymity of virtual currency, such as allowing free transactions on a global scale, is very likely to be used by illegal activities, such as money laundering, terrorist financing, etc., causing serious consequences.

Faced with strong opposition from regulators, Facebook has also tried its best to stick to it. The Libra project leader David Marcus has repeatedly stated that Libra will be officially launched in 2020 regardless of the regulatory results.

However, such determination did not change the original intention. On the contrary, under the pressure of strong power, Libra chose to “fold the wings” to compromise. Therefore, there is Libra’s first plan to anchor the USD stable currency version in 2021, and it is renamed Diem in order to accelerate the new life.

The road to compliance: deep and far


When it comes to the subversive nature of Libra, this kind of virtual currency that was born to cross the sovereign walls is easily reminiscent of its concept of a decentralized world financial system based on a large global user group, and through multiple sovereign currencies. A novel form that supports value realization.

But now, what Libra is impressive and talked about should be the attitude of actively embracing supervision, resolutely brandishing a knife, and embarking on the road to compliance without hesitation. It has to be said that this is not only a rational choice made by a private organization after ups and downs, to a certain extent, it is more like a supplement and consolidation of the power of “dollar hegemony.”

Obviously, Libra cannot infiltrate the existing sovereign financial system in the form of “going alone”. The result of the confrontation between the two is nothing more than elimination or transformation. From the perspective of Libra, which has turned into Diem, it is not difficult to find that under the current global wave of currency digitization, Libra is likely to be included as an elite force under the “digital dollar” system, and will show its talents in the future global digital financial ecosystem competition. .

01, digital dollar

In May 2020, the White Paper of the Digital Dollar Project was released, and pointed out that the plan is a non-profit organization Digital Dollar Foundation (Digital Dollar Foundation) in cooperation with Accenture to provide consumers and institutions in domestic and global economies. The dollar facing the future. At the same time, as a key and prudent measure of the Federal Reserve, the digital dollar will also be piloted in a series of application scenarios.


It is worth noting that although the Digital Dollar Program was initiated by “Orthodox”, its main participant is actually a “civilian” identity. In addition, the white paper shows that the most important function of the digital dollar is to support the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

In other words, after Libra has received the orthodox recognition and authorization, it is very likely to be a derivative or even an advance version of the digital dollar, with the purpose of consolidating the dollar’s status as a world currency. Interestingly, the launch of the digital dollar white paper happened exactly one month after the release of the Libra compliance white paper.

Yao Qian, director of the Science and Technology Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, believes that if the digital dollar chooses to be issued on Libra, it will be very simple. At the same time, Libra has gone from a borderless currency to providing services for various countries to issue central bank digital currencies, which shows that it can also be combined with digital dollars. In addition, if it cooperates with Libra, the Fed does not have to consider the cost of system construction, nor does it have to worry about service pressure.

02, the solution

On the surface, Libra is an embrace of supervision in keeping with the times. But in fact, Libra’s new measures seem to be based on the general background of de-cashing of the global clearing system and the general trend of de-dollarization in settlement, foreign exchange, and reserve assets in many countries around the world.

Recently, well-known economist Jim Rickards (Jim Rickards) said that because of the various hegemonic behaviors of the US dollar, including the many problems it has brought to oil-producing countries such as Iran and Venezuela, global central banks will further weaken the role of the US dollar and its share of reserves. . The recent dollar index fell 2.6% again, setting a new low in two and a half years.

In the face of the decline in the status of the US dollar, especially under the catalysis of the worldwide public health crisis, the value of the US dollar is facing an unprecedented shock. With Iran’s listing of the renminbi as the main foreign exchange currency, other sovereign currencies have begun to usher in more opportunities. At the same time, the digital renminbi is about to be officially launched, and many countries around the world have begun to develop central bank digital currencies. Method.

At a recent meeting, the German Finance Minister said: “I hope that the European Central Bank will accelerate the introduction of the digital euro, and digital payment may become an effective solution to protect the euro from the US dollar.” Facing the unfavorable situation of “all-round attack”, the United States The launch of its own central bank’s digital currency may be more anxious than anyone, and Libra has undoubtedly become the fastest and best response to the urgent need in the United States.

“The digital dollar supported by the Federal Reserve is unlikely to be realized in the future, but the United States must lead the global digital currency financial innovation.” It is no wonder that Fed Chairman Powell said.


Realizing convenient and low-cost cross-border payments on a global scale, thus occupying a place in the new world currency pattern, is undoubtedly the original intention of various countries to develop central bank digital currencies. At a time when the US dollar is in trouble, in order to ensure its dominance in the global currency, the United States is bound to adopt the most efficient and economical way to occupy the high ground.

When the urgent needs of the sovereign digital payment system meet the existing ultra-large-scale financial infrastructure, and catalyzed by the unification of interests, this chemical reaction related to defending the hegemony of the US dollar is beyond imagination. However, all of this is based on the premise that Libra meets the requirements of compliance, security, centralization and control.


According to the white paper, the digital dollar will be distributed according to the “two-tier structure” of primary distribution, secondary distribution, and P2P transactions, that is, from the Federal Reserve docking with commercial bank distribution to multiple payment modes between individuals and enterprises. If Libra is finally approved for release by the regulatory authorities, regardless of whether it is issued in accordance with the above ideas, at least it will be a “commercial version” of digital dollars produced along the compliance route.

It is expected that without disrupting the stability of the existing financial order, Libra should be able to make breakthroughs in promoting innovative economic models and maintain maximum matching with the existing relevant economic and laws.

In addition, with regard to Libra’s market access issues in Western countries, Li Lihui, head of the China Internet Finance Association’s blockchain working group, believes that Libra still needs to solve some major issues, including ensuring the efficiency and reliability of the technology platform and the viability of the business operation model. The path and credibility of security, transparency, and financial compliance control.


Since its birth, Libra has received worldwide attention. The huge user base, coupled with the use of decentralized innovative technologies, has stirred up value influence beyond imagination.

However, just as the Japanese TV series “The Game of Fraud” interprets, human nature is hungry for benefits but also grasps greed. Therefore, there are various rules to balance the two ends of human nature and release the value of trust. “If you don’t follow the rules, you can’t make a circle.” New things are bound to meet constraints and norms after they have experienced barbaric growth.

In this era of technological innovation, various competitions and crises are staged. The interaction between creation and destruction drives the wheels of human civilization forward. In the future global digital financial ecosystem, compliance and security are indispensable.​​​​


Emin Gün Sirer’s $42 million blockchain for DeFi scaling has launched (

Avalanche, a blockchain offering scalability to the world of decentralized finance took its mainnet live on Sept. 21. 

“From Snowflake to Avalanche, the decentralized platform has come a long way, and its journey has only just begun,” Ava Labs said in a Sept. 21 statement on the mainnet launch.

Ava Labs is the entity responsible for building the Avalanche blockchain and project. Emin Gün Sirer, ranked 52nd on Cointelegraph’s list of the top 100 people in crypto and blockchain, serves as Ava Labs’ CEO. 

Avalanche runs its own consensus protocol, paving the way for the blockchain to facilitate 4,500 transactions per second, or TPS, the statement explained. Current blockchain networks often host far fewer TPS capabilities, resulting in slowed transaction times and higher fees. In recent months, DeFi has put a significant strain on Ethereum’s blockchain, sending fees through the roof. 

Avalanche positions itself as a beneficial solution for all, from big companies to individuals and developers. The statement listed specific use case examples for enterprises, institutions, decentralized organizations, developers, and token participants.  

Notably, Avalanche tallied $42 million in funding from its July 15 public asset offering, selling out in 4.5 hours. Possibly giving the project some level of credibility, Sirer has been quite public on his comments against deception and noise in the crypto and blockchain space. 

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Image Credit: Refer to Source
Author: Refer to Source Cointelegraph By Benjamin Pirus


BIG DEFI CHAT with Tom Kysar (Augur) – Risks, Farming, Instability, ETH Scaling, Regulation, Layer 2 (

BIG DEFI CHAT with Tom Kysar (Augur) - Risks, Farming, Instability, ETH Scaling, Regulation, Layer 2

Today we are interviewing Tom Kysar from Augur and we talk all about Defi, Augur, Ethereum, Scaling, Regulation and so much more. We talk about the current Defi ecosystem, the risks, and dangers but also the future of this amazing industry.


Tendermint: Scaling blockchains with Cosmos. A deep dive for developers!

Please note: this is a technical deep dive talk strictly for software engineers, software architects and computer science/software engineering students only. We will therefore review all registrations and we will send you an email to confirm your seat. We require each attendee to register on Eventbrite to attend this event. Please complete the registration form provided. Security at the venue will not allow entry to anyone without a valid ticket. Registration will be required upon arrival. This is a private event and we have the right to refuse entry. As always, our developer deep dive event is popular and advised you to secure your ticket early.

This event is brought to you by The Blockchain Connector , and Voting Over Ledger Technology’ Project.

Headline: Scaling blockchains with Cosmos


Adrian Brink, a core developer at Tendermint and the Cosmos project will present the following:

Scaling blockchains with Cosmos will provide you with the technical insight how to scale any blockchain application and how to connect many different chains.

Cosmos is a decentralized network of independent parallel blockchains, each powered by classical BFT consensus algorithms like Tendermint.

The first blockchain in the Cosmos network is the Cosmos Hub, whose native token is the Atom. Cosmos is a permissionless network, meaning that anybody can build a blockchain on it.


Room K6.29 (Anatomy Lecture Theatre), King’s College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS

Date: 19th of April, 2018


18:30 – 19:00 Registration & Networking

19:00 – 19:10 Intro from The Blockchain Connector & King’s College London Blockchain Society

19:10 – 19:15 Lightning intro from the audience. We are providing an opportunity to our audience to present for two minutes. The topic must focus around a blockchain based product/platform you are building. Please inquire by sending an email to

19:15 – 20:15 Cosmos presentation by Adrian Brink

20:15 – 21:00 Q&A session led by Mustafa Al-Bassam

21:00 Networking at a nearby pub.

Bio: Mustafa Al-Bassam is a PhD researcher at the Information Security Research Group of the Department of Computer Science at University College London, where his research interests include the intersections of peer-to-peer systems, distributed ledgers and information security. He is also an advisor to Cognosec, an information security services company.


Antonio Sabado is the founder of The Blockchain Connector, a training and recruitment company focusing entirely on Blockchain technology. If you are hiring or looking for your next job opportunity in the blockchain space, please get in touch. Antonio has 10+ years experience working closely with global Investment Banks placing and managing highly skilled eTrading Technology professionals. Antonio has an extensive network, ranging from mid to senior level technology and business professionals across various sectors. He is an organiser of several Blockchain focused events in London aimed at software developers and business users.

The Blockchain Connector’s goal is to build a blockchain developer community by helping regular developers become blockchain developers. We host regular hands-on developer workshops, technical deep dive sessions and hackathons. We train and recruit developers on behalf of start-ups and global firms working on Blockchain related projects. We are also planning a series of Blockchain focused seminars for business users/non-technical users to take place in London.


We have the resources to organise and mentor blockchain based hackathons. Contact us if you are a blockchain based company who would like to sponsor one of our hackathons or you would like us to lend you a helping hand with organising a hackathon.

Developer Training:

We have the resources and expertise to offer companies a blockchain developer focused training on site. Alternatively, developers can join our monthly hands-on developer workshop in London. Click HEREto join our next workshop.


We have the network to help you build your development team. Contact us if you are a company looking to hire or a developer looking for your next job opportunity.

Volunteer Developers:

We have access to developers who are looking to contribute to open source projects on a volunteer basis. Contact us if you have an Ethereum based project that require volunteer developers. Alternatively, contact us if you are a developer looking to gain commercial blockchain development experience.

Sponsorship and speaking opportunities:

We are always open to hear from potential speakers, blockchain professionals, researchers and academics to present at our developer focused events and we are open to hear from companies looking for sponsorship opportunities.

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