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Ethereum Layer 2 Ecological Update: New Rollup Challengers Enter, Competition and Cooperation between Aztec and StarkWare (

This issue of the Ethereum Layer 2 ecological report will focus on StarkWare’s launch of StarkNet, and Aztec’s launch of Rollup-specific software protocols and cross-Layer 2 liquidity solution Connext.

Written by: Pan Zhixiong

The original three-legged Ethereum Rollup ecosystem finally ushered in a fourth strong competitor. Although StarkWare has been developing expansion solutions related to ZK Rollup and zk-STARK technologies, the StarkNet launched this time is systematic Explained their ZK Rollup plan, advantages and path.

This means that the most powerful ecosystem in the Ethereum Rollup expansion plan will be divided into two major gangs: “ZK Gang” (Matter Labs and StarkWare) and “Optimism” (Optimism and Offchain Labs).

Although there are two teams working on the same gang, the specific technologies are still slightly different: in the ZK Rollup scheme, the core difference between Matter Labs (zkSync) and StarkWare (StarkNet) is that the zero-knowledge proof technology uses zk-SNARK and zk-STARK; In the Optimistic Rollup scheme, the core difference between Optimism (OVM) and Offchain Labs (Arbitrum Rollup) is that the scheme of the fraud proof mechanism is different (single-round interaction and multi-round interaction).

In addition, various Layer 2 solutions are also continuing to iterate and introduce new concepts, such as Aztec and Connext that have not spoken for a long time.

StarkWare (StarkNet)

At the end of January, the zero-knowledge proof research organization StarkWare stated that it will develop a Layer 2 expansion network based on the ZK Rollup concept for Ethereum, named StarkNet, and at the same time disclosed a detailed roadmap, and will gradually achieve decentralization in a four-step manner To optimize and improve the application ecology.

In fact, StarkWare has previously launched a complete Layer 2 solution Volition (Validium), and has cooperated with multiple institutions to launch StarkEx technology specifically for exchange scenarios. dYdX, DeversiFi and Immutable are its partners.

Therefore, it can also be understood that StarkEx is only a specific application scenario of StarkNet. It is used by StarkWare to test the water based on STARK’s Rollup technology, which can be used in complex transaction logic (spot, derivatives, NFT) and transfer scenarios.

Extended reading: “Challenge all Rollup expansion plans, what are the advantages of StarkNet? 》

In addition, StarkWare also released the concept of DeFi Pooling, which reduces the transaction cost of Layer 1 through aggregating transactions.

Extended reading: “Understanding DeFi Pooling in Three Minutes: Providing Scalability for Existing L1 Projects”

Offchain Labs (Arbitrum Rollup)

The Ethereum expansion program Arbitrum Rollup development team Offchain Labs has disclosed more projects in its ecology. The first batch of applications include the centralized trading protocol Bancor, the decentralized auction tool, the automatic market maker Burgerswap, Hop Protocol, and decentralization. Perpetual contract exchange MCDEX and decentralized exchange Swapr.

In addition, the decentralized perpetual contract exchange MCDEX also wrote an article explaining why they chose Arbitrum Rollup. In their view, the Arbitrum solution has lower chain costs, higher technology maturity, and more developer friendly.

Extended reading: “The choice of MCDEX V3 expansion plan: Optimistic Rollup or ZKRollup? 》

Optimism (Optimistic Rollup)

Optimism’s Optimistic Rollup has been launched on the Ethereum main network. Although it has very limited functions and only launched a few functions in cooperation with Synthetix, there are still a lot of funds that are gradually migrated to the Layer 2 network. The current migration volume is about 1 Billion dollars, it only took 15 days.

Extended reading: How is the Synthetix experience of Optimism’s Layer 2 version? 》

Aztec (ZK² Rollup)

Although the Aztec team also adopted the ZK Rollup solution, their difference lies in their focus on privacy.

They announced their cooperation with StarkWare last month and launched a special software agreement (Software License) version 1.0 of Polaris for zero-knowledge proof applications (prover-verifier paradigm), similar to the concept of GPL, and specific scenarios are used in (ZK) Rollup related applications.

Extended reading: “Introducing Polaris”

Matter Labs (zkSync)

There are no new developments in the Matter Labs team and ecology for the time being.

Cross-Layer 2 bridge solution

In addition to the infrastructure of Layer 2, in fact, some surrounding protocols in the Layer 2 field are also more and more worthy of attention, in order to provide a more complete and user experience solution.

When the major Ethereum Layer 2 expansion networks are iterating and building ecosystems at a rapid rate, the problem of liquidity isolation between the various Layer 2 networks has gradually been exposed. How to easily transfer assets between different networks has become a very important special topic.


The Vector technology developed by the Connext team, which has been conquering state channel technology before, is currently the most important solution in this field. By building fast state channels between different Layer 2 networks, you can quickly migrate at very low cost. Assets, improve the efficiency of the network.

At present, their real-time Layer 2 transfer application Vector has released version 0.1.0 on the Ethereum mainnet, and will concentrate on promoting the adoption of Layer 2 network applications. Former developers can integrate Vector into their applications or protocols to realize micropayments. Connext said that this marks the beginning of the Ethereum multi-chain ecosystem, where users can seamlessly interact with wallets and applications running on a variety of different layer 2 networks and shards.

Extended reading: “Avoid the Rollup battlefield, Connext chooses to use the state channel to get through the Layer 2 “Island””


Similarly, Celer, a professional team researching state channels, also said that similar products will be launched. They stated in the 2021 roadmap that they will implement state channel technology that can increase liquidity between Layer 2.

Celer said that in the short and medium term, the Ethereum expansion solution Rollup is the best solution to increase the throughput on the chain before sharding. However, the interaction between each Layer 2 network and between the second and the first network usually has Very long delays and poor user experience, Celer plans to solve such challenges and realize real-time and instant transactions between Rollup and Rollup and the first-tier network.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, the articles published on this site only represent the author’s personal views, and have nothing to do with the position of ChainNews. The information, opinions, etc. in the article are for reference only, and are not intended as or regarded as actual investment advice.

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AC said that it is finalizing the cooperation content with the Curve team, and adding new members to the “DeFi Alliance”? (

Author: Yunjin


Original author: Nick Chong

In the past few months, has been conducting mergers and acquisitions.

At the end of last year, founder Andre Cronje announced that it would merge the DeFi revenue aggregator Subsequently, Andre Cronje released a series of other cooperation announcements. He said that will absorb resources from other agreements to achieve key synergy.

So far,’s “defi alliance” members include Pickle Finance, Cream Finance, Akropolis, SushiSwap and Cover Protocol.

Of course, AC did not stop. Last Saturday, he revealed that his team is currently working with the Curve team on an unannounced project.


Last weekend was the first anniversary of the establishment of Curve. “Yearn”, which was originally launched as iLearn, is now about a year old. These two projects, like Aave, were launched in early 2020 and set off the defi craze in 2020.

So far, the relationship between Year and Curve can be said to be a “parasitic” relationship. Users deposit stablecoins into Year’s machine gun pool (vault), which is then used for automatic liquidity mining and the sale of Curve’s native token CRV. In fact, people sometimes think that Year’s machine gun pool is one of the reasons why CRV has performed so poorly since its release in the third quarter of 2020.

However, this situation may change soon, because Cronje revealed that the team is “finalizing” some collaborative work, which will be “in the next 1-2 weeks.”

AC称正与Curve团队敲定合作内容,“DeFi联盟”再添新成员? Although it is not clear what the project/product will be, Year’s developer “Banteg” did release the veCRV “Backscratcher” vault at the end of last year. This pool allows users to deposit CRV (cannot be withdrawn) to earn all Year Curve DAO management fee in the product. This is a win-win situation for the Year and Curve ecosystem.

Continue to expand

This is one of Yearn’s recent collaborations with other DeFi agreements, and it extends the scope of the agreement beyond the agreements it has absorbed and merged.

Last week, Cronje also revealed its partnership with Alpha Homora, which is part of the Alpha Financial Lab ecosystem.

Alpha Homora is a Yield farming tool that allows users to obtain leverage when conducting liquid mining to increase mining revenue.

Cronje stated that the cooperation between Alpha Homora and the Year ecosystem will increase the leverage ratio of stablecoin deposits up to 90 times, and the leverage ratio of Ethereum deposits up to 80 times.

With Cream v2 (Iron Bank), Alpha Homora v2 and Year v2, all fund banks have become leveraged fund banks, and cross-asset strategies have become feasible. “These cross-platform strategies make the leverage ratio of stable currencies up to 90 times, and the leverage ratio of ETH up to 80 times, and allow users to sell, synthesize or accumulate assets.” ronje wrote.



Nimbus Global Brand Ambassador Cooperation Program (

Nimbus Global Brand Ambassador Cooperation Program

Based on the landing application of value-creating digital assets, Nimbus aims to launch a dApps ecosystem managed by DAO, and create multiple sources of income for users based on real-world use cases-from borrowing to IPO and crowdfunding participation. There are 50,000 users and the number is increasing. Nimbus is committed to the practice and development of truly decentralized finance. In order to continue to grow the global community, Nimbus’s official global ambassador recruitment plan is officially launched today!

rule of activity:

1. Recruiting media, community, KOL and other Nimbus brand publicity cooperation plans for the blockchain industry

2. Content production: video production, article writing, etc.;

3. Channel publicity: community publicity, media publicity, community cooperation, AMA, etc.;

4. Brand Ambassador: AMA guests, community maintenance, brand promotion, opinion leaders, etc.;

5. There is no limit to the form of cooperative propaganda programs, recruiting capable people and strangers from all over the world.

6. Add customer service WeChat, send your cooperation intention and resources, if the plan is adopted, you will receive additional rewards.

7. Bonus pool: NUS tokens worth 2 million USD, 1NUS=1USD

If you have the above skills, please contact our official staff for review. Becoming a brand ambassador will get the corresponding NUS token reward.

About Nimbus

Nimbus is a mature financial technology company with a strong team. It is a one-stop financial service platform covering 50,000 users worldwide.

Now, we are launching a new DeFi platform, which can access IPO, start-up funds, encryption quantification and lending with only one NUS token. In order to let the entire encryption industry know what Nimbus is and why it has taken an important step towards DeFi. Therefore, the global brand ambassador cooperation program is launched, and all major communities are welcome to sign up!

Scan the code to contact the official staff



Lightning mergers and acquisitions of three agreements, YFI founders interpret mergers and acquisitions, alliances and cooperation in the DeFi field (

YFI founder Andre Cronje explained the recent merger and cooperation with Pickle, Cream and Cover agreements.

Written by: Andre Cronje, founder of Compiler: Perry Wang

In a world where decentralized finance is not composed of corporate structures, what do these terms such as mergers and acquisitions, alliances and cooperation mean, and what can we learn from the interactions so far?

Start with the definition of terms:

  • Merger : Two entities merge into one, especially a company.
  • Acquisition : The purchase or acquisition of an asset or subject matter.
  • Alliance : Two or more entities form an alliance partnership.
  • Cooperation : The act of working together to create something.

The interesting definitions described above all point to ownership in some way. What does ownership mean in a decentralized ecosystem?

Take Ethereum as an example. Who owns Ethereum? First look at the participants:

  • Miners (they decide whether to upgrade the software)
  • Developers (they build software for miners to use)
  • ETH holders (they are users of the system, but do not drive choice)
  • Founder Vitalik (absolute thought leader)
  • Ethereum Foundation (They help fund this ecosystem, but how much power do they have?)

It’s difficult to determine who owns Ethereum, isn’t it? But I personally tend to say that the combination of developers and miners is the real master. Now let us look at the interaction between Year and Ethereum.

Yearn is built on top of Ethereum, so this means combining two things. Yearn is connected to Ethereum, and Yearn and Ethereum work together to produce something. Yearn and Ethereum can be a cooperation, alliance, or a relatively low degree of merger. Why is it considered a merger relationship? Just because the construction of Ethereum developers does not promote the development of the year, and the builder of the year has no influence on the miners.

Let us now look at the governance agreement. Governance can be seen as miners who decide whether to upgrade the agreement. But what if there are no fundamental changes to the agreement?

Let’s look at the recent merger as a case study.


There is a high degree of developer agreement between Pickle and Year. Both teams are studying farming revenue strategies. Usually the same strategy is adopted, so that the development forms duplication of work. From the perspective of development team integration, the merger of the two agreements is logical. Pickle core developers can focus on strategy, and Year can provide additional security, peer review, auditing, and discussion. The two development teams merged. Now we share the same group, integrate the same discussion, and focus on combining the ecosystem to become stronger. Pickle and Year are still independent brands, but development resources have been integrated.

Talents have been merged.


There is a strong synergy with Year. Income farming and Money Markets can work well together. Currency leverage can be used to increase income farming. Money markets are inherently leveraged. But there is usually a difference in vision between these two entities. We have seen that currency markets often have completely different target customer groups. Protocols such as Aave and Compound can be referred to as the lending market, which focuses on providing lending products to end users. The DyDx agreement also provides loans, but for the purpose of leveraged transactions. Therefore, although they are currency markets, their core interest lies in allowing users to use the market for transactions. Synthetix can also be seen as a loan market, but it has the core driving force of synthetic assets. Alpha Homora is a loan market but focuses on leveraged income. And all of these are the loan market.

Although the development teams do merge and use each other, this type is best categorized as two teams working together, looking forward to achieving a common goal, that is, the agreement reservation, the reservation service between the agreement and the agreement, and reduce its The proportion of the role of the loan provider. This design helps other protocols (such as Aave, Compound, DyDx, Synthetix and Alpha Homora) to obtain more funding without limiting their resources. The focus is on improving capital efficiency, rather than targeting the traditional loan market.

So let us classify the integration with Cream as cooperation and alliance. This is true even if the development team is really merged.


For insurance agreement Cover, I would like to summarize four areas of focus;

  1. Core insurance products, fixed-term products denominated in stablecoins, are linked to a series of agreements (specifically variable).
  2. The agreement predicts the market and predicts the perceived risk of the agreement being exploited.
  3. Perpetual contract (or as I personally call it: Lazy Contract) insurance serves users and agreements who simply want to set aside a portion of their reserves to hedge their risks.
  4. Insurance as a service, providing any token to become the support of its own ecosystem, allowing tokens to imitate the products in 1 and 3, using its own token as a catalyst.

Although Yearn provides security, review and audit channels for all 4 projects mentioned above, it is particularly focused on the cooperation between 3 and 4, because 4 makes YFI its own insurance ecosystem, and 3 allows the machine gun pool to get the cost from the proceeds Insurance, no need to occupy the user’s expense in advance. The return has been reduced, but the risk has been hedged.

The same is true for the collaboration with Cream. This collaboration is closer to the consistency of goals and results, sharing development resources.

in conclusion

After I was lucky enough to participate in the relevant negotiations, I have to say that as for whether these actions are mergers, acquisitions, alliances or cooperation, I can’t get accurate answers like everyone else. The simple answer is: every joint is similar. The merger of teams, mutual use of agreements, coordination of all team members and sharing of vision are what I think is different from previous practices. Decentralized finance allows us to cooperate and coexist while still remaining independent individuals.

I don’t know what to call these joint operations, but I am absolutely very excited about it.

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WeBank and People’s Online Strategic Cooperation to Build “People’s Chain” to Promote Data Circulation Integration (

WeBank and People Online strategically cooperate to build “People’s Chain” to promote data circulation integration

On October 24, at the “People’s Chain Credit Evaluation Seminar” hosted by People’s Daily Online, WeBank and People’s Online reached a strategic cooperation to jointly build a “People’s Chain”.

WeBank and People Online will rely on “People’s Chain” to explore innovative models of financial technology and inclusive finance, promote the construction and development of the data element market, and provide infrastructure for cooperation and mutual trust in the digital economy era.

In April 2020, the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Building a More Complete Factor Market Allocation System and Mechanism” emphasized the importance and strategic importance of data elements as new variables of economic growth, which are of great importance for promoting the development of the digital economy and enhancing the value of data elements. Great practical significance. The value of data needs to be realized through exchange and circulation, but the problems of data islands and data abuse still hinder industry development. This time, WeBank and People’s Online are committed to solving this industry predicament and helping data elements to be credible and safe to circulate.

The two parties in this cooperation will establish an open technology and operation system based on the overall architecture of People’s Chain “One chain and three networks”, and study safe and controllable data exchange technologies and solutions to ensure that the data on the chain can circulate more safely and efficiently; A service platform to increase data openness, strengthen data governance capabilities, and promote the smooth interconnection of the “one chain and three networks” system to improve chain operation efficiency; integrate data resources and industry advantages, and explore the benefits of blockchain and other technologies. Applications in the fields of finance, public opinion, and financial media.

At the meeting, Wan Jun, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of WeBank, said that WeBank will work with People’s Chain to explore innovative application models of financial technology and inclusive finance, integrating blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, privacy computing and other frontiers. Scientific and technological achievements, promote the data element market scenario data circulation and collaborative solutions, comprehensively promote the value enhancement of data application scenarios in various fields and truly help the industry to achieve multi-party collaboration and win-win.

People Online is the pioneer of China’s public opinion industry and the setter of service standards. In recent years, People Online has continuously strengthened its strategic positioning of “evaluation technology”, committed to being the most credible big data application platform, and becoming an important force in promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. The global data governance sharing and application platform created by People’s Chain will help solve the problems of enterprise risk management and credit financing in the fields of industry and finance, risk control and finance, and promote the improvement of social governance capabilities.

As one of the earliest domestic enterprises to deploy alliance chains, WeBank has been deeply involved in blockchain since 2015, and has leading advantages in technological innovation, industrial application and ecological construction.

In the field of consortium chain, WeBank carries out technical research and practice, and builds a package of technical capabilities to support industrial applications, including leading the open source working group of the Golden Chain Alliance to create and open source the underlying blockchain platform FISCO BCOS, self-developed and open source Middleware platform WeBASE, cross-chain collaboration platform WeCross, entity identity and trusted data exchange solution Weldentity, distributed event-driven architecture WeEvent, scenario-based data privacy protection solution WeDPR, etc.

Relying on mature technical capabilities, WeBank helps improve the efficiency of collaboration in various industries and supports better application of blockchain. At present, it has been promoted in different fields including smart government affairs, cross-border data circulation, regulatory technology, copyright protection, and social governance. The circulation and integration of credible data.

In addition, WeBank has always been committed to taking the lead in building an open source blockchain ecosystem. Currently, the open source ecosystem around FISCO BCOS has brought together tens of thousands of community members and over 1,000 companies and institutions to participate in the joint construction and co-governance. There are hundreds of FISCO BCOS R&D applications, of which over 80 have been operating stably in the production environment, and have developed into the largest and most active domestic alliance chain open source ecosystem.


Reasonably analyze the cooperation between Google and EOS, there are more things you don’t know (

Recently, EOS officially announced the news of its cooperation with Google. Of course, it reacted to the currency price as soon as possible. Then, because of the postponement of Trump’s stimulus policy, the decline followed. But for now, EOS is still quite good in terms of price comparison. . Many media in the currency circle think this is super good news for eos, and some even think that the increase is not excessive, but for this judgment, I think it is necessary to calm down, after all, no one is a fool, since the price of the currency Being able to fall down naturally makes sense.

First, let’s analyze the current situation of eos

The first eos currently has 21 super nodes, and there are many spare nodes. One thing to remind is that the super nodes will earn more eos than the spare nodes, and the spare nodes are also profitable.

The second is the node election of eos, which is decided by voting. As long as the node has the ability, there is no need to buy a large amount of eos to vote for yourself. With influence, you can draw a wave of votes. Of course, the current voting is basically all It is similar to the situation of election bribery. You vote, and the node divides the proceeds into you, just like this.

The third is that eos has node elections. Not every blockchain project has node elections. Some apply to join a node, some are officially designated nodes, and some POW coins will not benefit from running nodes.

The fourth is that the company B1 where eos is located is currently a US company, holding a large amount of US Treasury bonds, and the company’s investment is biased towards the traditional model.

Fifth, the ecology of eos is relatively complete, and the transaction speed in the blockchain is also relatively fast. The b1 team has also paid fines before, so we think it is one of the compliant public chain projects in the United States. If you pick another one, then I think Ripple is good, but Google has invested in Ripple before. This is a long time ago.

The sixth is the new project voice of eos, which is relatively new. There are almost no similar products on the market. If developed well, it can be comparable to mainstream social applications such as Facebook and Twitter.

The seventh is that in the current POS chain, eos ranks very high. Before eos, there is an ecological chain and it is still a POS project. Polkadot has just started up and the ecology has not been established, so it doesn’t count. BNB because of comparison Closure involves the behavior of cryptocurrency exchanges, so the legal risk is relatively high. I won’t talk about other POW mining coins. If you want to invest, you can buy coins directly or buy mining machines. Then if you are Google, who would you choose?

Reasonably analyze the cooperation between Google and EOS, there are more things you don’t know

Combined with the characteristics of eos above, if I am Google, eos can only be one of the best partners. Therefore, if Google wants to enter the field of blockchain technology, you can consider cooperating with eos.

Next we analyze the current situation of Google

The first is that this year’s new crown pneumonia has a serious impact. Google has a big business and its main source of income has increased in advertising business, especially YouTube. This is a good thing for Google.

The second is that Google seems to be short of money recently. For example, Android apps are on the Google Store, and Google’s new payment system is even tougher than Apple.

The third is that Google has recently encountered an antitrust investigation and may face huge fines.

Reasonably analyze the cooperation between Google and EOS, there are more things you don’t know

The fourth is the blockchain nodes that can deploy other public chains on Google Cloud. Of course, many of them are tools developed by the public chain team and released on the Google platform.

The fifth Google has always had its own investments in the blockchain field, such as Ripple, Link, etc. In this cooperation, we carefully read the statement and there is no sign that Google wants to invest in eos.

Sixth, Google Cloud’s competitors, Microsoft Cloud Services, Amazon Cloud Services, and other cloud vendors, have actually already had blockchain node-related solutions before, but the market has not paid much attention, and even some public chains on it are still some The more “junk” public chain projects, I won’t introduce them here. If you’re interested, you can look at Microsoft or Amazon cloud services. Now most eos nodes are actually built on Amazon servers. According to this statement, don’t we say Is Amazon the biggest blockchain company?

Based on the above points, whether this cooperation is good, we have to continue to observe, the main reasons are as follows:

The first one this time is only about cooperation, not about investment. Google Cloud can also provide a solution for rapid deployment of nodes like Microsoft Cloud. It is also considered a cooperation. This is a shallow level of cooperation and will not produce much benefit. Therefore, after this news, TRON’s grandson also came out and called for cooperation with Google, based on this.

To put it simply, I pay the phone bill every day, so I can also say that I cooperate with the three major operators and use Alipay by myself. It can also be said that I cooperate with Alibaba. This is what I mean.

Second, since cooperation is divided into shallow and deep levels, if Google really establishes its own eos node, I think it is good news, and it may even lead companies like Amazon and Microsoft to establish eos nodes as well.

As for why you say that? In fact, in the eyes of the technology giants, these layouts are basically a drop in the bucket. Sometimes they don’t pay attention at all, and they don’t even bother to make an announcement. However, the technology giants have a characteristic that they like to learn from their peers. Chain technology, so Google has also invested in startups in the blockchain field, and Microsoft has also researched many technologies, such as supply chain, DID technology, etc. This is a good indication that there are actually some imitations among giants. Of course Some succeeded, some failed.

Mainly because the technology giants don’t know what kind of opportunities their peers have, or what research reports show that this business is indeed profitable, so in order not to lag behind, then just say something. In this way, if Google has established Super nodes, one day in the future, I think Amazon, Microsoft, etc. may all establish super nodes. This is possible. For them, the cost may not be too high.

Even if Google is really going to be a super node, the b1 team of eos may have to vote for it in person. After all, this is enough for the eos team. If b1 does not support it, or help it. Voting votes, then we might really feel a pity for this cat otaku.

The third one is that eos has voice in hand. Previously, we all said how bad voice is, but now if you see the cooperation between Google and eos, I think voice is valued to a certain extent.

Google has always wanted to do social networking, because Twitter and Facebook are already strong enough in this market. Google also had a social platform before. I also experienced it a few years ago, called G+, but this platform can’t be done in the end. Therefore, we can say that it ended in failure. Now Google’s main business is divided into YouTube, search business, mailbox, map, application store, Google Cloud, artificial intelligence voice, etc. The previous G+ has become history, then is it possible for Google to cooperate I think it is possible for voice to cooperate in social networking, just like Alipay has always wanted to do chat. Although it failed, it still did not give up.

The fourth is the anti-monopoly investigation that Google is currently experiencing and its high bids on the app store. All of this shows that Google may face some financial pressures. Although Google’s performance this year has increased significantly, if anti-monopoly investigations sit To be honest, it is natural to lose a lot of money. This is undoubtedly. The high rake of the app store is to go through google pay. Although it gives developers some buffer time, it will not be implemented immediately. There will still be many impacts in the future, and there is not much correlation between cash flow and performance. Sometimes it may be that there are more accounts receivable. This is not clear at present.

For Google, what we ordinary people may see is a behemoth, but in fact, there are many departments and projects within Google that are basically unprofitable and even in huge losses. Therefore, if Google wants to make money, it will inevitably need to expand into new areas. On the one hand, you can seize new opportunities. On the other hand, you can give your competitors some room for development in the old business. Don’t drive your competitors to death in the end. You have to pay a large fine, which is not good. .

This example is the same as the original cooperation between Apple and Microsoft. The reason why Apple and Microsoft can have some cooperation is because Jobs called to tell Gates that if Apple falls, then Microsoft will be subject to an antitrust investigation on the operating system. In order to avoid such investigations and high fines, Microsoft will naturally save Apple’s life. This is the cause of the matter.

Therefore, from this aspect, Google’s investment in blockchain projects or cooperation with current public chain projects is also expanding its own business, so that it will not be targeted because its main business is too concentrated. This is natural for Google It’s a matter of general direction. In terms of small details, cooperation with blockchain projects such as eos naturally makes sense.

Of course, if someone wants to capture Google-related concept coins, or projects that may cooperate in the future, they can actually start from some of the above points. In addition, large technology companies will pay great attention to the compliance of blockchain projects. According to the current routine, at least You have to pay a fine in the United States or strictly follow the relevant regulations, otherwise it will not be considered.

to sum up

Finally, we mainly need to pay attention to whether Google has established its own super node and actual real money investment on eos. If there is, then it may be good news for eos and voice. But if you just support it, be a development tool or other, then such benefits will have a certain discount. According to the announcement, at least there will be some actions in the later period, so we need to continue to pay attention to it in the later period. As for eos can Can not get out of the magnificent market like link, it is still difficult to judge here.


Reasonably analyze the cooperation between Google and EOS, there are more things you don’t know (

Recently, EOS officially announced the news of its cooperation with Google. Of course, it reacted to the currency price as soon as possible. Then, because of the postponement of Trump’s stimulus policy, the decline followed. But for now, EOS is still quite good in terms of price comparison. . Many media in Amber think this is super good news for eos, and some even think that the increase is not excessive, but for this judgment, the author thinks it is necessary to calm down, after all, no one is a fool, since the currency price can Falling down naturally makes sense.


First, let’s analyze the current situation of eos

The first eos currently has 21 super nodes, and there are many spare nodes. One thing to remind is that the super nodes will earn more eos than the spare nodes, and the spare nodes are also profitable.

The second is the node election of eos, which is decided by voting. As long as the node has the ability, there is no need to buy a large amount of eos to vote for yourself. With influence, you can draw a wave of votes. Of course, the current voting is basically all It is similar to the situation of election bribery. You vote, and the node divides the proceeds into you, just like this.

The third is that eos has node elections. Not every blockchain project has node elections. Some apply to join a node, some are officially designated nodes, and some POW coins will not benefit from running nodes.

The fourth is that the company B1 where eos is located is currently a US company, holding a large amount of US Treasury bonds, and the company’s investment is biased towards the traditional model.

Fifth, the ecology of eos is relatively complete, and the transaction speed in the blockchain is also relatively fast. The b1 team has also paid fines before, so we think it is one of the compliant public chain projects in the United States. If you pick another one, then I think Ripple is good, but Google has invested in Ripple before. This is a long time ago.

The sixth is the new project voice of eos, which is relatively new. There are almost no similar products on the market. If developed well, it can be comparable to mainstream social applications such as Facebook and Twitter.

The seventh is that in the current POS chain, eos ranks very high. Before eos, there is an ecological chain and it is still a POS project. Polkadot has just started up and the ecology has not been established, so it doesn’t count. BNB because of comparison Closure involves the behavior of cryptocurrency exchanges, so the legal risk is relatively high. I won’t talk about other POW mining coins. If you want to invest, you can buy coins directly or buy mining machines. Then if you are Google, who would you choose?


Combined with the characteristics of eos above, if I am Google, eos can only be one of the best partners. Therefore, if Google wants to enter the field of blockchain technology, you can consider cooperating with eos.

Next we analyze the current situation of Google

The first is that this year’s new crown pneumonia has a serious impact. Google has a big business and its main source of income has increased in advertising business, especially YouTube. This is a good thing for Google.

The second is that Google seems to be short of money recently. For example, Android apps are on the Google Store, and Google’s new payment system is even tougher than Apple.

The third is that Google has recently encountered an antitrust investigation and may face huge fines.


The fourth is the blockchain nodes that can deploy other public chains on Google Cloud. Of course, many of them are tools developed by the public chain team and released on the Google platform.

The fifth Google has always had its own investments in the blockchain field, such as Ripple, Link, etc. In this cooperation, we carefully read the statement and there is no sign that Google wants to invest in eos.

Sixth, Google Cloud’s competitors, Microsoft Cloud Services, Amazon Cloud Services, and other cloud vendors, have actually already had blockchain node-related solutions before, but the market has not paid much attention, and even some public chains on it are still some The more “junk” public chain projects, I won’t introduce them here. If you’re interested, you can look at Microsoft or Amazon cloud services. Now most eos nodes are actually built on Amazon servers. According to this statement, don’t we say Is Amazon the biggest blockchain company?

Based on the above points, whether this cooperation is good, we have to continue to observe, the main reasons are as follows:

The first one this time is only about cooperation, not about investment. Google Cloud can also provide a solution for rapid deployment of nodes like Microsoft Cloud. It is also considered a cooperation. This is a shallow level of cooperation and will not produce much benefit. Therefore, after this news, TRON’s grandson also came out and called for cooperation with Google, based on this.

To put it simply, I pay the phone bill every day, so I can also say that I cooperate with the three major operators and use Alipay by myself. It can also be said that I cooperate with Alibaba. This is what I mean.

Second, since cooperation is divided into shallow and deep levels, if Google really establishes its own eos node, I think it is good news, and it may even lead companies like Amazon and Microsoft to establish eos nodes as well.

As for why you say that? In fact, in the eyes of the technology giants, these layouts are basically a drop in the bucket. Sometimes they don’t pay attention at all, and they don’t even bother to make an announcement. However, the technology giants have a characteristic that they like to learn from their peers. Chain technology, so Google has also invested in startups in the blockchain field, and Microsoft has also researched many technologies, such as supply chain, DID technology, etc. This is a good indication that there are actually some imitations among giants. Of course Some succeeded, some failed.

Mainly because the technology giants don’t know what kind of opportunities their peers have, or what research reports show that this business is indeed profitable, so in order not to lag behind, then just say something. In this way, if Google has established Super nodes, one day in the future, I think Amazon, Microsoft, etc. may all establish super nodes. This is possible. For them, the cost may not be too high.

Even if Google is really going to be a super node, the b1 team of eos may have to vote for it in person. After all, this is enough for the eos team. If b1 does not support it, or help it. Voting votes, then we might really feel a pity for this cat otaku.

The third one is that eos has voice in hand. Previously, we all said how bad voice is, but now if you see the cooperation between Google and eos, I think voice is valued to a certain extent.

Google has always wanted to do social networking, because Twitter and Facebook are already strong enough in this market. Google also had a social platform before. I also experienced it a few years ago, called G+, but this platform can’t be done in the end. Therefore, we can say that it ended in failure. Now Google’s main business is divided into YouTube, search business, mailbox, map, application store, Google Cloud, artificial intelligence voice, etc. The previous G+ has become history, then is it possible for Google to cooperate I think it is possible for voice to cooperate in social networking, just like Alipay has always wanted to do chat. Although it failed, it still did not give up.

The fourth is the anti-monopoly investigation that Google is currently experiencing and its high bids on the app store. All of this shows that Google may face some financial pressures. Although Google’s performance this year has increased significantly, if anti-monopoly investigations sit To be honest, it is natural to lose a lot of money. This is undoubtedly. The high rake of the app store is to go through google pay. Although it gives developers some buffer time, it will not be implemented immediately. There will still be many impacts in the future, and there is not much correlation between cash flow and performance. Sometimes it may be that there are more accounts receivable. This is not clear at present.

For Google, what we ordinary people may see is a behemoth, but in fact, there are many departments and projects within Google that are basically unprofitable and even in huge losses. Therefore, if Google wants to make money, it will inevitably need to expand into new areas. On the one hand, you can seize new opportunities. On the other hand, you can give your competitors some room for development in the old business. Don’t drive your competitors to death in the end. You have to pay a large fine, which is not good. .

This example is the same as the original cooperation between Apple and Microsoft. The reason why Apple and Microsoft can have some cooperation is because Jobs called to tell Gates that if Apple falls, then Microsoft will be subject to an antitrust investigation on the operating system. In order to avoid such investigations and high fines, Microsoft will naturally save Apple’s life. This is the cause of the matter.

Therefore, from this aspect, Google’s investment in blockchain projects or cooperation with current public chain projects is also expanding its own business, so that it will not be targeted because its main business is too concentrated. This is natural for Google It’s a matter of general direction. In terms of small details, cooperation with blockchain projects such as eos naturally makes sense.

Of course, if someone wants to capture Google-related concept coins, or projects that may cooperate in the future, they can actually start from some of the above points. In addition, large technology companies will pay great attention to the compliance of blockchain projects. According to the current routine, at least You have to pay a fine in the United States or strictly follow the relevant regulations, otherwise it will not be considered.

to sum up

Finally, we mainly need to pay attention to whether Google has established its own super node and actual real money investment on eos. If there is, then it may be good news for eos and voice. But if you just support it, be a development tool or other, then such benefits will have a certain discount. According to the announcement, at least there will be some actions in the later period, so we need to continue to pay attention to it in the later period. As for eos can Can not get out of the magnificent market like link, it is still difficult to judge here.