
Bitcoin market insights: miners’ sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fall (

Taking into account the rapid increase in U.S. bond yields, the elasticity of Bitcoin’s price trends compared with macro assets such as gold and stocks is still significant.

Original title: “Glassnode 丨Data on the chain shows that $47000 has become a strong support level for BTC? 》
Written by: CHECKMATE
Translation: Li Hanbo

This week, the volatility of the Bitcoin market has decreased as it consolidates between a price high of $52,420 and a low of $46,561. What is impressive is that despite the weakness in both the stock and precious metal markets, the Bitcoin consolidation still held the 45k USD support level identified by Willy Woo in last week’s newsletter .

The strengthening of the US 10-year Treasury bond yield continued to strain the market. The yield rebounded by 10.7%, and this week closed at a 52-week high of 1.566%. The stock market’s performance was weak. The S&P 500 Index and the Nasdaq 100 Index fell 5% and 8%, respectively, and gold fell to a 38-week low of $1,730.

Putting Bitcoin alongside these macro assets, considering the significance of such a rapid revaluation of Treasury bond yields, the elasticity of its price movements is very significant.

Bitcoin market insights: miners' sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fall

Support on the chain

Last week Willy Woo pointed out that there are a large number of BTC trading on the chain around 45,000 USD, forming an on-chain support level . At the end of this week, @n3ocortex emphasized that this support level has actually been strengthened to over US$46,600, and 1.2 million BTC (accounting for 6.5% of the circulating supply) have been traded in this area.

When a large number of currencies move on the chain and the support level on the chain remains unchanged, this indicates that there is a lot of interest in hoarding coins, and buyers see it as a “value” entry point. Remember, although the chain support level has gradually strengthened since last week, if the price breaks below, it will become an equally strong resistance level.

Bitcoin market insights: miners' selling slowed down, exchange balances continued to fall

Bitcoin market insights: miners' sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fall

In fact, if we look at the price distribution of UTXO, the on-chain support level of $47,173 is the largest since the price of $11,000. In addition, the active block on the chain shown in green in the figure below is not just a specific reserve price, but a large support area. We can see that there is a continuous and significant trading volume between 45.5k USD and 48.9k USD. This range now represents one of the largest accumulation levels of BTC on the chain in history-the largest since the last cycle’s $20,000 ATH was broken.

Bitcoin market insights: miners' sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fallURPD real-time chart

An important question we have to ask is whether this kind of on-chain transaction volume is related to hoarding coins, or is it the seller’s eagerness to withdraw. In the first step, we can observe that the BTC balance of the exchange continues to go down without interruption , and another 35,200 BTC withdrew this week.

Bitcoin market insights: miners' sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fallReal-time graph of exchange rate balance

Miner holdings

Miners are extremely optimistic participants of the Bitcoin network, but they have made huge CAPEX (capital expenditure) and OPEX (operating costs) investments in ASIC hardware and facilities. In other words, they are still sellers of BTC to pay for ongoing capital and operating costs .

If we investigate the balance of known miners, we can see that until the beginning of January 2021, miners’ holdings are increasing . Before 2021, the balance of miners will decrease, but the scale of the reduction is not comparable to the previous increase.

Please note that the miners shown below are only those we have identified (shown to provide a good visualization of this trend). There is also a large number of unknown miners (“other”), they represent an important part of the mining market, we will investigate them in the next picture.

Bitcoin market insights: miners' selling slowed down, exchange balances continued to fallMiner Balances Live Chart

The miner’s position change indicator takes into account all the balances of all newly issued currencies, thus providing us with a global mining landscape. What we have observed is the peak of selling behavior throughout January (17,000 to 24,000 BTC/day), which can be largely attributed to some larger unknown miners (and even some early miners in 2010!) .

However, throughout February, we can see that the miners’ selling speed is decreasing, and nowadays, the bulls and bears are biased towards neutral. Although the newly issued coins account for only a small portion of the daily transaction volume (that is, the portion sold by the miners is small), it seems that even the miners are returning to a neutral or hoarding model .

Bitcoin market insights: miners' sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fallMiner Net Position Change Live Chart

Long-term position holders

Long-term holders (LTH) are classified as those who hold coins for more than 155 days, or those who withdraw to cold wallets.

In on-chain analysis, we must make assumptions around the behavior and incentive mechanisms of various network entities. For LTHs, we generally make an assumption that they have a good knowledge of Bitcoin and have high beliefs. Therefore, their coins tend to hoard coins in a bear market, stay in a dormant state for a long time, and regain a new life with their selling strength in a bull market trend.

The supply-adjusted CDD indicator is good at tracking this type of LTH behavior. The longer a Bitcoin is dormant, the more “coin days” it can store. As more old coins are spent and more coin days are destroyed, the CDD indicator will show an upward trend .

Bitcoin market insights: miners' sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fallCDD real-time graph after supply adjustment

The above figure shows that from October 2020 to January 8, 2021, LTHs did indeed begin to sell (CDD is on an upward trend). However, since January 8th, LTHs have slowed down this behavior. The 7-day and 30-day moving averages of CDD have both returned to high levels, but it is not uncommon for the early bull market or even a bear market. This indicator shows that, similar to miners, LTLHs are also making profits, but they are certainly not in a hurry to flee .

To further increase the weight of this argument, we can look at the net balance of these LTHs. We see a pattern that is almost the same as that of miners, that is, from the end of 2020 to the beginning of January 2021, there was a peak of selling, and then a sharp slowdown. In terms of net value, LTHs are still distributed at a rate of approximately 44,500 BTC per day, but this only accounts for less than 5% of the daily trading volume of the futures market, and the trend is to reduce expenditures.

Bitcoin market insights: miners' sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fallReal-time graph of net position changes

The situation of short-term position holders

Finally, we will study the behavior of short-term holders (STH) who hold coins for a relatively short period of time (<155 days). STHs usually account for most of the daily traffic on the chain. In on-chain analysis, we usually assume that STHs are short-lived users, speculators, and day traders who are more sensitive to price fluctuations .

First, let’s review the relative supply held by STH wallets, which are profitable (the coins that have been held for a short period of time are finally moved at a cheaper price, green) and the wallets that are now in a loss state (red). During the rebound to the current ATH of $58,300, more than 5.12 million STH holdings of BTC were profitable.

When this correction sold to a low of $ 43,300, more than 1.14 million of these BTCs became losses, and another 10,200 BTC was bought at the beginning of the correction (and then fell into a loss) .

This shows that in the past two weeks, about 112,000 coins have been transferred from LTH to STH, and above $45,000, STH has accumulated 1.25 million BTC (this is also in line with the tweet by @n3ocortex and our in this article The URPD at the beginning of the article is the same).

Bitcoin market insights: miners' sell-off slows down, exchange balances continue to fallSTH profit and loss supply real-time graph

We can increase the weight of these profit and loss dynamics by observing the STHs expenditure output profit rate. This indicator looks at how much profit all UTXOs classified as STH achieved during the day’s sell-off.

  • SOPR> 1.0 means that the day is profitable

  • SOPR = 1.0 means that no profit or loss was realized on the whole day.

  • SOPR<1.0 means that if you sell on that day, you will lose money.

Last week, we saw SOPR reset below 1.0. We theoretically believe that this is the first indicator of new retail investor losses . This week we saw SOPR-STH pull back above 1.0, despite the sideways price consolidation.

This second SOPR reset is healthy because it represents the belief in STH’s bargaining. In the past, the retest of SOPR after falling below 1.0 generally marked the cessation of the downward correction, and in this bull market cycle, the price upward momentum has also followed .

Bitcoin market insights: miners' selling slowed down, exchange balances continued to fallSTH SOPR Live Chart

Weekly Bitcoin market summary

The above on-chain analysis is a typical workflow that we use to evaluate the emotions and behaviors of different network participants under a set of behavioral assumptions. In order to maximize the value of insights on the chain, we must seek a convergence between multiple indicators to improve our accuracy and probability of correctness.

This week, we have:

  • Despite the turbulence of the macro market and the weakness of the traditional market, Bitcoin is still consolidating sideways above the strong on-chain support level (maintained last week).

* The on-chain support of USD 45k has actually strengthened the exchange of more than 1.2 million BTC, and even raised the bottom line of support to the range of USD 46.6k to USD 47k**.

  • After several months of selling, the miners slowed down their selling behavior. Compared to BTC’s daily trading volume and miners’ hoarding of coins before 2020, this selling volume is very small .

  • Long-term holders slowed down the sell-off after the sell-off that started in 2021. Many of our longevity indicators (such as CDD and ASOL) have dropped significantly (meaning fewer old coins moved), and the selling speed of LTH balances has also decreased .

  • Short-term holders (assuming new investors/speculators) have already suffered losses last week and bought the lower limit. This week their belief in lower limit buying has been put to the test. More coins were transferred from LTH to STH. However, we did not see another SOPR below 1.0, indicating that we did not get more panic selling .

The data on the chain shows that Bitcoin’s bull market this week is relatively strong. The main risk one must bear in mind is that the key chain support level between $45,000 and $47,000 falls, and many of our observations may change from a strong support level to a heavy resistance level.

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For the first time since 2018 Bitcoin balances on exchanges fell below 2.5M (

On October 20, 2020, the amount of Bitcoin (BTC) held at major exchanges fell below 2.5 million BTC for the first time in two years. 

Source: Glassnode.

Nexo co-founder Antoni Trenchev opined to Cointelegraph that this trend is driven by the world finally realizing that only Bitcoin offers sound monetary policy:

“[People are] slowly are realizing what some of us have known for a while — BTC is the only sound monetary policy right now and you cannot afford to depart from the best performing asset of the decade.”

He also noted that the community is resorting more to self-custody solutions, including platforms like Nexo, where they can “tax-efficiently borrow against their assets rather than selling them.” Cointelegraph noted yesterday that the Bitcoin supply is currently diffused more than ever.

Alex Mashinsky, co-founder of the Celsius crypto lending platform, told Cointelegraph that the exodus will likely continue unless exchanges begin offering better terms to their customers:

“As long as exchanges refuse to give their clients more they will leave them and come to Celsius. We just crossed $2.7B in deposits since launch two years ago. We would not be growing so fast unless we did more to our customers than exchanges.”

Source: Glassnode.

From the chart above, we can see that this swing has not impacted all exchanges equally. While balances at BitMEX and Bitfinex were decimated, decreasing by more than half, Binance has continued to accumulate additional funds. Coinbase’s coffers have remained mostly unchanged as well.

Source: Digital Assets Data.

The growth of DeFi may have also contributed to this trend. The amount of Bitcoin locked on Ethereum through wBTC and renBTC presently exceeds 130,000. Just a few months ago, these numbers were negligible. Another likely culprit is institutional adoption. Aside from the continuous growth of Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust Fund, publicly-traded companies like MicroStrategy and Square began adding crypto assets to their treasuries.

The biggest losers: Exchanges that led the trend. Source: Cointelegraph, Glassnode.

It seems that there is either a general trend towards users withdrawing Bitcoin from custodial exchanges, or perhaps a few major exchanges are simply losing the trust of their customers. The latter may be a reasonable conclusion, as a mere three platforms (BitMEX, Huobi, and Bitfinex) were responsible for the bulk of the trend — their balances decreased by 390,000 BTC, making them accountable for almost 80% of the total decline.

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Image Credit: Refer to Source
Author: Refer to Source Cointelegraph By Michael Kapilkov


Ethereum’s exchange balances are high, but Bitcoin couldn’t care less (

On the surface, certain crypto-metrics can either be extremely black or extremely white. However, there are also others that follow a complicated formula, some metrics that leave room for speculation and paint a greyish picture.

A recent data chart highlighted a similar dilemma on the cards.


Source: Twitter

According to Glassnode, on observing the attached chart, it can be seen that since the start of March 2020, Ethereum balances on centralized exchanges have improved by more than 10 percent. In the meantime, Bitcoin’s supply on these exchanges has fallen, with the same down by -9.6 percent over the period, at the time of writing.

At first glance, many proponents would be looking at it from a perspective that Bitcoin is slowing losing its grip on the market and Ethereum is becoming more popular. Although it wouldn’t be wrong to state that, it wouldn’t be completely accurate either.

For Bitcoin, the fall in balances on centralized exchanges can be traced back to April itself. Since Bitcoin’s recovery from the March collapse, BTC hodling has been clearly evident. Investors were not spending a lot of their BTCs on exchanges, while accumulating more. Something similar was recently mirrored by Bitcoin miners too. Glassnode mentioned that miners are currently holding more than 1.82 million in BTC, surpassing its previous 2-year high, marking a noticeable increase since September 2019.

Hence, the collective narrative can be assumed to be a positive one as certain confidence in Bitcoin seems to have risen. In fact, people are riding off the bearish rally without cashing out their profits.

Similarly, the rise in Ethereum balances on centralized exchanges can be explained by two things. Firstly, as mentioned above, Ethereum is definitely garnering more interest from the ecosystem due to its growth. However, more crucially, its movement on centralized exchanges has been more dominant due to the ever-increasing demand for DeFi.

For DeFi, its stepping stones are tied to the utilization of ETH. Hence, Ethereum is being transacted more and more on these centralized platforms.

Ergo, there is an asterisk next to Ethereum’s improving balances on these platforms since users may actually be using the crypto-asset to jump ship to a different one. The use of Ethereum is also imperative with respect to gas prices levied by DeFi, hence, one can argue that the negatives behind Ethereum’s increasing balance on centralized exchange outdo the positives.

In the long term, such data statistics do not matter, but for the time being, Ethereum’s positive balance and Bitcoin’s negative balance are sweetly contradicting each other’s benefits, one where Bitcoin, again, has the upper hand.

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