
Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched Rollup service, quickly learn how to use it (

Currently users can use this service to transfer ETH anonymously, and Aztec has set a limit of 1 ETH for each account.

Original title: “New DeFi gameplay丨Privacy Rollup service is online! Take you to experience the anonymous transfer of ETH on the Aztec network》
Written by: Porridge Overnight

In the early morning of March 16, Beijing time, the much-watched Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched its Rollup service (

Up to now, users can use the service to transfer ETH anonymously, while anonymous transfers of ERC-20 tokens will need to wait until the next few weeks. (According to the announcement, Aztec will first add WBTC, BAT, AAVE and DAI. ERC-20 assets, and all ERC-20 tokens will be supported in the future).

Note: The current Aztec is still a beta version in nature. In order to reduce the risk, Aztec chose to set an amount limit of 1 ETH for each account, and the transaction limit will be gradually increased in the future.

What are the usage scenarios of Aztec?

In January of this year, billionaire Mark Cuban (Mark Cuban) shared a piece of NFT work and was picked up by netizens on his Ethereum address and DeFi financial transaction history.

Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched Rollup service, quickly learn how to use it

When we use the Ethereum network, we will leave a lot of traces, which can be found on the blockchain browser, and the true trajectory of the address owner can be restored through analysis.

Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched Rollup service, quickly learn how to use it

Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched Rollup service, quickly learn how to use it

For example, Mark Cuban has been active on the Ethereum network since January of this year. His first transaction was to try out the loan of DAI and WETH through the AAVE platform.

The first small attempt showed that he was just a novice at the time. A few days later, he deposited 1000 aWETH.

In fact, as long as Mark Cuban does any Ethereum DeFi or NFT operation, interested people can know for the first time that this kind of privacy problem will really make the rich feel headaches, especially those who are famous like him. .

Is there any way to solve it?

One of the existing solutions is to use TornadoCash, which is a completely decentralized anonymous protocol, which can effectively destroy the transaction graph, but the disadvantage is that it is very expensive. The amount of gas used in a transaction is close to 1 million, and it is withdrawn. The time is relatively long.

The privacy rollup layer 2 network provided by Aztec 2.0 is a trade-off between availability, cost and privacy. It uses advanced PLONK ZK-SNARK technology and has been recognized by Ethereum co-founder vitalik.

Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched Rollup service, quickly learn how to use it

The ZK-ZK Rollup (or ZK² for short) developed by Aztec contains two or more layers of SNARKs:

  1. Each of the “low-level” ZK-SNARKs represents a private transaction;
  2. The “upper” ZK-SNARKs (Rollup SNARKs) concisely prove the correctness of the lower-level SNARKs;

In other words, this solution not only solves the privacy problem, but also solves the scalability problem, while reducing transaction costs.

For a detailed description of the scheme, please refer to this article by Babbitt: ” Privacy Scheme ZK² Rollup: How to Realize High-speed and Cheap Private Transactions on Ethereum

Aztec tutorial

As mentioned above, currently users can use the Aztec network to make anonymous ETH transfers. We only need to visit the website , connect to the small fox wallet for testing, and then create a username (for example, the author uses bob).

After the creation is complete, click the “Shield” button to see the following page:

Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched Rollup service, quickly learn how to use it

Enter the deposit funds (currently the maximum limit is 1 ETH), plus a fixed fee (0.00525 ETH), and you will see the following page after confirmation:

Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched Rollup service, quickly learn how to use it

In general, the deposit operation will involve two handling fees, one is the fixed Aztec network consumption fee, and the other is the miner’s fee for the miner, which is equivalent to about $19 during the test.

After the transaction is confirmed, we need to wait about 2-4 hours for the account to be credited, and then we can transfer the funds to our other account.

Ethereum privacy project Aztec launched Rollup service, quickly learn how to use it

Note: Although the target address can be filled in the Ethereum main network address when transferring funds, the fee will be very high, and if it is the Aztec second layer network, the handling fee is fixed at 0.004 ETH, which is currently about 7 US dollars.

After waiting for a period of time, the anonymous transfer will arrive, and the true source address of the transfer will not be displayed.

From the current point of view, this experience is still very painful, but it can indeed protect the privacy of users, while reducing transaction costs.

According to Aztec’s official instructions, if this ZK-ZK Rollup technology is to be directly used in DeFi applications, it will need to wait until 2022. Short-term users can only use it painfully to increase privacy.

As for the question of “whether there will be a token airdrop” that many people are concerned about, it depends on the mood of the project party.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, the articles published on this site only represent the author’s personal views, and have nothing to do with the position of ChainNews. The information, opinions, etc. in the article are for reference only and are not intended as or regarded as actual investment advice.

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Ethereum Layer 2 Ecological Update: New Rollup Challengers Enter, Competition and Cooperation between Aztec and StarkWare (

This issue of the Ethereum Layer 2 ecological report will focus on StarkWare’s launch of StarkNet, and Aztec’s launch of Rollup-specific software protocols and cross-Layer 2 liquidity solution Connext.

Written by: Pan Zhixiong

The original three-legged Ethereum Rollup ecosystem finally ushered in a fourth strong competitor. Although StarkWare has been developing expansion solutions related to ZK Rollup and zk-STARK technologies, the StarkNet launched this time is systematic Explained their ZK Rollup plan, advantages and path.

This means that the most powerful ecosystem in the Ethereum Rollup expansion plan will be divided into two major gangs: “ZK Gang” (Matter Labs and StarkWare) and “Optimism” (Optimism and Offchain Labs).

Although there are two teams working on the same gang, the specific technologies are still slightly different: in the ZK Rollup scheme, the core difference between Matter Labs (zkSync) and StarkWare (StarkNet) is that the zero-knowledge proof technology uses zk-SNARK and zk-STARK; In the Optimistic Rollup scheme, the core difference between Optimism (OVM) and Offchain Labs (Arbitrum Rollup) is that the scheme of the fraud proof mechanism is different (single-round interaction and multi-round interaction).

In addition, various Layer 2 solutions are also continuing to iterate and introduce new concepts, such as Aztec and Connext that have not spoken for a long time.

StarkWare (StarkNet)

At the end of January, the zero-knowledge proof research organization StarkWare stated that it will develop a Layer 2 expansion network based on the ZK Rollup concept for Ethereum, named StarkNet, and at the same time disclosed a detailed roadmap, and will gradually achieve decentralization in a four-step manner To optimize and improve the application ecology.

In fact, StarkWare has previously launched a complete Layer 2 solution Volition (Validium), and has cooperated with multiple institutions to launch StarkEx technology specifically for exchange scenarios. dYdX, DeversiFi and Immutable are its partners.

Therefore, it can also be understood that StarkEx is only a specific application scenario of StarkNet. It is used by StarkWare to test the water based on STARK’s Rollup technology, which can be used in complex transaction logic (spot, derivatives, NFT) and transfer scenarios.

Extended reading: “Challenge all Rollup expansion plans, what are the advantages of StarkNet? 》

In addition, StarkWare also released the concept of DeFi Pooling, which reduces the transaction cost of Layer 1 through aggregating transactions.

Extended reading: “Understanding DeFi Pooling in Three Minutes: Providing Scalability for Existing L1 Projects”

Offchain Labs (Arbitrum Rollup)

The Ethereum expansion program Arbitrum Rollup development team Offchain Labs has disclosed more projects in its ecology. The first batch of applications include the centralized trading protocol Bancor, the decentralized auction tool, the automatic market maker Burgerswap, Hop Protocol, and decentralization. Perpetual contract exchange MCDEX and decentralized exchange Swapr.

In addition, the decentralized perpetual contract exchange MCDEX also wrote an article explaining why they chose Arbitrum Rollup. In their view, the Arbitrum solution has lower chain costs, higher technology maturity, and more developer friendly.

Extended reading: “The choice of MCDEX V3 expansion plan: Optimistic Rollup or ZKRollup? 》

Optimism (Optimistic Rollup)

Optimism’s Optimistic Rollup has been launched on the Ethereum main network. Although it has very limited functions and only launched a few functions in cooperation with Synthetix, there are still a lot of funds that are gradually migrated to the Layer 2 network. The current migration volume is about 1 Billion dollars, it only took 15 days.

Extended reading: How is the Synthetix experience of Optimism’s Layer 2 version? 》

Aztec (ZK² Rollup)

Although the Aztec team also adopted the ZK Rollup solution, their difference lies in their focus on privacy.

They announced their cooperation with StarkWare last month and launched a special software agreement (Software License) version 1.0 of Polaris for zero-knowledge proof applications (prover-verifier paradigm), similar to the concept of GPL, and specific scenarios are used in (ZK) Rollup related applications.

Extended reading: “Introducing Polaris”

Matter Labs (zkSync)

There are no new developments in the Matter Labs team and ecology for the time being.

Cross-Layer 2 bridge solution

In addition to the infrastructure of Layer 2, in fact, some surrounding protocols in the Layer 2 field are also more and more worthy of attention, in order to provide a more complete and user experience solution.

When the major Ethereum Layer 2 expansion networks are iterating and building ecosystems at a rapid rate, the problem of liquidity isolation between the various Layer 2 networks has gradually been exposed. How to easily transfer assets between different networks has become a very important special topic.


The Vector technology developed by the Connext team, which has been conquering state channel technology before, is currently the most important solution in this field. By building fast state channels between different Layer 2 networks, you can quickly migrate at very low cost. Assets, improve the efficiency of the network.

At present, their real-time Layer 2 transfer application Vector has released version 0.1.0 on the Ethereum mainnet, and will concentrate on promoting the adoption of Layer 2 network applications. Former developers can integrate Vector into their applications or protocols to realize micropayments. Connext said that this marks the beginning of the Ethereum multi-chain ecosystem, where users can seamlessly interact with wallets and applications running on a variety of different layer 2 networks and shards.

Extended reading: “Avoid the Rollup battlefield, Connext chooses to use the state channel to get through the Layer 2 “Island””


Similarly, Celer, a professional team researching state channels, also said that similar products will be launched. They stated in the 2021 roadmap that they will implement state channel technology that can increase liquidity between Layer 2.

Celer said that in the short and medium term, the Ethereum expansion solution Rollup is the best solution to increase the throughput on the chain before sharding. However, the interaction between each Layer 2 network and between the second and the first network usually has Very long delays and poor user experience, Celer plans to solve such challenges and realize real-time and instant transactions between Rollup and Rollup and the first-tier network.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, the articles published on this site only represent the author’s personal views, and have nothing to do with the position of ChainNews. The information, opinions, etc. in the article are for reference only, and are not intended as or regarded as actual investment advice.

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