
In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency? (

By understanding the concept of PID controller and its parameterization in the RAI ecosystem, we can better understand how RAI responds to various attacks and exogenous impacts outside of system control.

Original title: ” New DeFi Gameplay丨Look at how Reflexer applies PID control theory to cryptocurrency
Written by: BlockScience
Translation: Yangz

From stablecoins linked to the US dollar to Fei, the recently popular algorithmic stablecoin, can there be new ways to play “stable” assets? Let’s take a look at how Reflexer applies PID control theory to cryptocurrency. Note: Reflexer is a platform that aims to build the first decentralized, non-linked stable asset RAI that only supports ETH. RAI can be used as a more “stable” collateral for other DeFi protocols (compared to ETH or BTC), or as a stable asset with embedded interest rates. It is worth noting that the official pointed out that RAI is not a stable currency, and the system behind it only cares about the market price as close to the redemption price as possible. PID control is one of the earliest control strategies developed. Because of its simple algorithm, good robustness and high reliability, it is widely used in industrial process control. So far, about 90% of control loops have PID structure. Simply put, the control deviation is formed according to the given value and the actual output value, and the deviation is formed by linear combination of proportional, integral and derivative to control the controlled object.

The following is the full text translation:

This work delves into the engineering design work carried out by the BlockScience team in cooperation with the Reflexer Lab, focusing on the parameterization of the RAI system before the launch of the main network on February 17, 2021. Covered concepts include PID controller, management surface, parameter selection under uncertainty, controller pressure test and safety system launch.


The web3 field has become the basis for rapid financial experiments in many directions. Many projects are seeking price stability for their tokens (as any useful currency should be), and often do so in different ways. From external currency pegs to repricing mechanisms, there have been many attempts at “stability”, but RAI is the first such token to use the existing control theory to move towards a reflective (or self-reflexive) stable price token system. Compared with the existing system linked to legal currency, RAI can “shock ETH” because the stable controller can reduce the price fluctuations caused by the underlying assets without the need for explicit linkage.

More specifically, by using proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers in system design, RAI can provide the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem with a low-volatility reserve asset that is not linked to any external assets. The depth of the existing engineering practice of deploying PID controllers in various equipment provides us with a solid engineering foundation, so we can consider the design of RAI from it.

Complex system

Optimizing the complex system infrastructure to balance the needs of multiple stakeholders is a feat of engineering design. It requires an understanding of system goals, constraints, and stakeholder needs, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the trade-offs involved. Modeling and simulation tools, such as cadCAD, can well help us manage complexity and balance optimization to ensure preferred results.

This requires us to deeply understand the system goals and the parameters involved in the mechanisms that need to be applied to achieve these goals. In this section, we will study the various goals of the RAI system and what parameters are involved, including controlled and uncontrolled.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?

The RAI analysis dashboard displays relevant system indicators to end users. These same indicators provide information for the design through the cadCAD model, and they have been measured even before the existence of the RAI system.

the goal

The goal of the RAI ecosystem is the primary consideration in the engineering design process. The system goal ensures the consistency of the cadCAD simulation parameters and indicators with the overall goal. The system objectives of the RAI project include:

  • Without assuming that the redemption price is linked, smooth the price changes in the secondary market.

  • The stability of the controller under a series of exogenous shocks.

  • If the secondary market violates liquidity requirements, redemption price adjustments (mechanisms) can be initiated and closed peacefully.

The next step in system design is to determine the parameters. These parameters can be divided into two categories: one is the parameters under system control (controlled parameters), and the other is the uncontrollable parameters (environmental parameters).

The controlled parameters specify the key characteristics that the system designer can choose to achieve the system goals. RAI project control parameters include:

  • Controller-specific parameters

  • Debt market specific parameters

  • Pricing oracle parameters

Environmental parameters stipulate the external characteristics of the system and also affect the realization of system goals. The environmental parameters of the RAI project include:

In addition, indicators to measure the achievement of these goals are also important. We can select control parameters based on the summary of KPIs that reflect system goals under given environmental parameters. The KPIs of the RAI project for each system goal include:

  • Responsiveness target: reasonable response time of arbitrage tools and controllers to impulses of different environmental parameters.

  • Volatility target: the statistical dispersion of price changes in the secondary market.

  • Stability goal: measure the relative frequency of stable and unstable paths in the simulation.

  • Liquidity target: the controllability of slippage in the secondary market.


The encryption economy system and the control system have a common phenomenon, that is, there is a set of parameters set by humans, which encode trade-off decisions in the system dynamics. In the encrypted economy system, we call the parameters subject to human supervision as the governance surface.

It is important to clarify the governance aspect, and where possible, it is important that the effect of adjusting this parameter is relatively straightforward. Usually, the concept of governance is used as a general concept, assuming that humans will have the expertise, procedures, and coordination to agree on future changes to these parameters.

In practice, the goal is to maintain a small governance area to reduce the frequency and complexity of governance actions. In addition, early model-based system engineering work can help determine initial parameters to develop rollout plans and/or minimize the scale of future changes.

Understand and select the controller type

RAI is an innovative encryption economy system that uses a variant of PID controller as a means to maintain market price stability. The PID controller is the most common type of controller. It uses proportional (P), integral (I) and derivative (D) to influence the future value of the time series.

A powerful feature of the PID controller is that it can continuously adapt even in the absence of prediction, because the increase in error tends to make it more adaptable. Specifically, P is an understanding of immediate measurement, I is an understanding of the past, and D is related to expected changes in the future.

For D, by extrapolating the expected changes, it is possible to reduce the noise-free (ideal) steady-state error rate, but the price is the sensitivity to sudden changes. Generally speaking, differentiation is sensitive to noise and fluctuation measurements that often appear in market prices. In an economic environment, D may become an attack vector.

In view of these considerations, (we) decided to focus the analysis on P and I, and set D to zero. The following will briefly introduce the types of analysis used to evaluate RAI parameter alternatives at startup.

Exploring P and PI variables and pre-tuning for RAI startup

So far, RAI has only used P (Kp) in response to dynamic simplicity; however, since the proportional controller is known to be affected by steady-state errors, it also needs to include an integral term. Although integral controllers can effectively deal with steady-state errors, they are easily affected by wind-up (saturation), that is, the accumulation of integral terms will lead to deviations in control actions. In order to deal with this situation, we must also consider an anti-wind-up (saturation) mechanism. Therefore, the integral leakage rate is included in our parameter selection space.

Malicious whale test

Without understanding the potential impact of large token holders (‘whales’), any experiment on price stability is incomplete. In the following scenario, we will assume that a malicious whale named Beluga bought most of the RAI supply and used it to force the market price of RAI to be kept at a constant level.

In the following example, we consider 5 available controller types of variables (positive Ki and negative Ki, leaky integrator and non-leakage integrator, and zero Ki), and verify that the parameters are reasonably selected In the long run, the whale may lose to the controller.

The first visualization is to see what happens to the redemption price if the Beluga keeps the market price unchanged. As can be seen from Figure 1 below, in all the tested solutions, except for the one where Ki is negative and there is no leakage, the redemption price will tend to zero within 2 weeks, which means this parameterized choice Not feasible.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?

Compared with proportional control, the PI controller with positive Ki term accelerated the market crash induced by beluga whale. The PI controller with negative Ki can buffer the crash and restore the system. However, the leakage term is critical, because if the integral term is allowed to overwhelm the proportional term, it is equivalent to the controller surrendering to the attacker-this is something we cannot tolerate. Fortunately, there is an analytical boundary on the relationship between the leakage integral term and the proportional term, which ensures that this will not happen.

In the context of RAI economic dynamics, how did this happen? This happens because the controller automatically adjusts the redemption rate based on the market price.

When choosing a proportional controller (Kp only) or a PI controller with a leaked integral term (Kp & Ki), the steady-state dynamics can include a constant negative redemption rate, which is our goal in the RAI ecosystem. It is worth noting that if we exclude leakage, the integral term will have a counterproductive acceleration effect. When Ki is positive, the redemption rate will accelerate in the negative direction, and when Ki is negative, the redemption rate will accelerate in the positive direction. Neither of these two PI (no leakage) situations are particularly ideal.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?

In the absence of leaked items, adding the points item may make the RAI system unsustainable, because it is obvious that it allows economic exploitation of users, or the tokens become increasingly unusable due to increasingly negative interest rates. Considering that the whale attack is a real problem, this analysis shows that the P controller is feasible and the PI controller is feasible only when the anti-windup (saturation) leakage mechanism is included.

Steady state error test

Another focus of RAI is steady-state error; specifically, it is possible for the system to achieve a certain degree of price stability without narrowing the expected gap between the redemption price and the market price. In fact, the only reason for introducing an integral term in the control design space is to help eliminate steady-state errors. Steady-state error problems often arise in the presence of noise or shock.

In Figure 3 below, the market evolves according to the martingale process. We have observed that the Ki item tends to bias the redemption rate (see the figure below). This deviation may be small, but over time, it will cause a huge difference in the redemption price.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?Figure 3. Even if the parameters are selected properly, the hourly exchange rate changes very little (<5e-9), but over time, it will still cause a large cumulative error

In Figure 4, we can see the cumulative error over time. The positive Ki without leakage tends to increase the absolute error (larger negative error), while the negative Ki without leakage tends to reduce the absolute error (smaller negative error), both of which are measured relative to the P controller . The PI controller with negative Ki and no leakage achieves the smallest absolute error, but due to the malicious whale attack discussed above, we have ruled out this design.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?

In our example, compared to the controller with only P, the benefit of adding the leakage integral term is small, so further adjustments are needed to make a meaningful distinction between the two options on the basis of steady-state error. For the time being, this means that the added complexity of adding item I cannot be proven by the benefits of system stability in the short term, and more research is needed in this direction before implementation.

Another important observation is the out-of-control trend of redemption prices. Proportional controllers and PI controllers with anti-windup (saturation) can achieve control, while PI controllers without anti-windup (saturation) will lose control. A negative Ki term will cause the redemption price to diverge (deviation to infinity), while a positive Ki term will cause the redemption price to converge to zero.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?Figure 5. A non-leaking PI controller will drift in the redemption price, even if the cumulative price error is still bounded

Parameter selection of multi-dimensional system under uncertainty

While iterating the control parameters, scientific analysis of the large amount of data and complexity of the RAI system and interactions must be carried out, which requires the use of new scientific methods.

The simple model above only considers the control logic of P(I), and the model used for analysis below includes the mortgage debt position of the back RAI and the liquidity pool service as the RAI secondary market (and price sensor)

To this end, BlockScience has developed a “parameter selection under uncertainty” method to achieve data-driven informed decision-making. This article on “Performing parameter selection under uncertainty” briefly describes it and the related steps and challenges.

RAI parameter selection

In the following section, we will provide some non-exhaustive examples to illustrate some computational experiments run on a wider range of RAI system models, including SAFEs systems and liquidity pools (ETH/RAI Uniswap examples).

Scene test

Our workflow defines some test scenarios to link system goals with measurable KPIs, and ultimately with selected control parameters. The scenarios performed include:

  1. “Rationality check” to ensure that the plant performance of the system meets expectations; this will take into account the shutdown of the controller, and the only source of uncertainty is the change in the price of ETH.
  2. Impact testing, that is, introducing preset changes in the exogenous process, measuring the system’s response capabilities, and
  3. Trajectory sampling, that is, Monte Carlo runs on the realization of many random processes, and measures and evaluates the key performance indicators reflecting the system goals under various environmental conditions.

“Reasonability check” test

The baseline scenario to be tested is that the debt and secondary market systems operate on their own without a controller. This test is to ensure that the “Plant” model works properly before using it to evaluate the controller.

This rationality test replicates the controller that is’pegged to fiat currency’ by fixing the redemption price. In this case, the system should reach a state where the price change of ETH will be’transmitted’ to the market price, and the redemption price will be fixed at its initial condition (in this case, RAI is the Reflexer at the time of release. The set value, 3.14 USD/RAI). The results of the “reasonability check” are shown in Figure 6 below.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?Figure 6: When the PID controller is closed, the generated ETH price signal is introduced into the model, and a corresponding change is generated in the market price of RAI

As shown in Figure 6, when the controller is closed, the change in the ETH price will produce a corresponding change in the market price of RAI, and there will be a slight upward drift (specific to the impact of the ETH price). The observed dynamics are similar to those in similar systems (such as a single collateral DAI).

Attack and failure modes of impact testing

As with any integrated system design, we need to understand the limitations of our system and under what circumstances it will fail. The shock test starts by realizing a one-time change in an external process, such as the price of ETH, and checking the resulting impact on system dynamics. Shock testing is particularly useful for selecting parameter ranges that can keep the system stable, that is, keeping prices and token balances from reaching infinity or zero.

The following is an example. For example, the price of ETH suddenly dropped by 30% after two weeks. We can see that in the case of Kp=2e-07 and 5e-09, the effect on the PI variable is out of control, while the values ​​given by the parameter recommendations remain stable and bounded.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?Figure 7: Analysis of the impact of the redemption price and the market price under the ETH price ladder change after 2 weeks. Green is the feasible parameter range of the leaked PI controller, and red is an example of failure mode

Recommended parameter range

Based on the parameter selection under the uncertainty workflow, we determined that the P controller is the simplest and safest network startup configuration, and further observed that if we want to further reduce the steady-state error, we can add an integral, but only when leakage The term is included, and further satisfies the condition Kp> -Ki /(1-�), where α is the leakage integral parameter.

Figure 8 below is a simulation example using parameter values ​​taken from the recommended range, where the proportional term is positive and the integral term is negative, showing stability-the role of the controller is to weaken the changes in the exogenous random process, such as the price of ETH. In this case, the Kp term is more than 3 orders of magnitude stronger than the Ki term, and the integral term leaks 1/1000 of the value in each period. The resulting system behaves at steady state equivalent to a pure P controller (as shown in the figure below), but if steady state errors occur, they have additional capabilities to eliminate them.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?Figure 8: Comparison of redemption price and ETH price, implementation using recommended parameters

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?Figure 9: Simulating the realization of RAI liquidity balance and RAI debt balance

Roll out gradually

When creating and deploying a new financial system, we need to conduct gradual testing and promotion to ensure the security of the system, and then open it to more users and more capital.

In October 2020, ProtoRAI (PRAI) conducted an incentive mainnet test, which was launched with a low debt ceiling to test system behavior and provide a reference for the launch of a larger-scale formal RAI system. The purpose here is to observe the small-scale low-stake situation before full deployment.

The RAI network was launched on February 17, 2021, and the initial configuration only has the Kp item of the proportional controller. The system exhibited expected behavior, consistent with our expected results in the case of a proportional controller.

In-depth analysis of Reflexer stabilization mechanism: How to apply PID control theory to cryptocurrency?As of April 2, 2021, the price of each RAI analysis dashboard

Continue to monitor real-time data and combine it with system models to reveal whether it is worth including the integrated control item Ki and its leakage “anti-saturation” mechanism. This will increase the complexity of the system, but can also ensure long-term sustainability, thereby promoting governance minimization during the life cycle of the RAI system.

Minimize governance

Trying to minimize governance by ignoring governance is like getting on a self-driving car but unable to instruct the car to navigate where it will take you.

In practice, governance minimization requires a clearly defined governance aspect first, and then a clear procedure about who, when, and how to change parameters. Successful governance minimization means making fewer, smaller, and clearer changes, and reducing business overhead.

It is rare that the parameters are completely uncoupled; more often, the appropriate values ​​are related to each other, like the Kp, Ki, and α (leakage integral parameters) we have seen. Models play an important role in monitoring the health of the system because they can help suppress governance actions taken for governance actions, which actually put the system at risk, while in turn helping to determine when actions are needed. Sufficient early warning to plan, test and execute effective interventions.

Next step

In view of the fact that we already have the full-featured model of RAI dynamics and the mainnet release, we will expand the scale of the existing model and combine it with real-time data to provide information for continuous monitoring. After that, we have to make a decision to learn from shocks and events to improve our understanding of the complex new dynamics around us.

in conclusion

In this article, we have summarized the engineering work of the parameter selection of the RAI stability controller, aiming to further educate and inform the Ethereum community about the importance of computer-aided design in complex systems.

By introducing the concept of the PID controller and its parameterization in the RAI ecosystem, as well as performing battery shock and sensitivity tests on the system to understand the response of the system, we have a better understanding of how RAI responds to various aspects other than system control Attacks and exogenous shocks.

Ultimately, the goal of the Reflexer team is to provide an asset with low volatility, minimal governance, and stable price for use in the Ethereum ecosystem. Despite the uncertainty, these characteristics can become reliable as long as there is a strict control theory basis.

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Cool Apps|To apply secure multi-party computing to traditional finance, Curv chooses to start with encrypted asset custody (

Payment giant PayPal officially announced that it will acquire cryptocurrency security and custody company Curv. It is expected to complete the acquisition in the first half of this year. The financial terms of the transaction have not been disclosed, but the media speculated that the purchase price was between 200 million and 300 million US dollars.

The original text was published in April 2020.

Written by: Donnager

On an online live program ” Crypto Tonight ” sponsored by Chain News, Itay Malinger, CEO of Curv, a crypto security company headquartered in New York, revealed that the world’s largest listed fund management company ” Franklin Templeton Fund ” has used Curv The technology provided is used for key management of digital assets to ensure the security of digital assets.

“Our secret is a key management protocol based on Secure Multi-Party Computing (MPC). Through this technology, institutional users can enjoy bulletproof protection, digital asset holders can be completely anonymous, and availability is instant.” Itay Malinger said that this is the first such company to obtain Ernst & Young’s SOC2 audit certification.

Cool Apps|To apply secure multi-party computing to traditional finance, Curv chooses to start with encrypted asset custodyCurv has obtained SOC2 certification

Itay Malinger also revealed to Lianwen that Curv has recently established an Asia-Pacific office in Hong Kong and will begin to expand opportunities in the Asian market, especially the Chinese market, in 2020. He said: “Asia has maintained a leading position in the adoption of digital assets, and we will develop it further there.”

Curv is a digital asset security platform. It can be regarded as an institution-oriented crypto asset wallet service provider that uses a secure multi-party computing protocol. They are eliminating the outdated single point of failure such as “private keys” to create a secure digital asset Institutional standards.

Multiparty Secure Computing (MPC) is a popular technology in the field of cryptocurrency, commonly used in privacy or security scenarios, including PlatON, ZenGo, Enigma, NuCypher and other well-known institutions in the industry are also conducting research and development around MPC, but most of them have not yet been released Mainnet. And Curv’s technology has been commercialized, and it has cooperated with Munich Re to provide institutional-level insurance to customers to further ensure the safety of funds.

Three advantages of MPC over traditional technology

Let Chain Wen pay attention to this company because at the beginning of this year, the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the regulator responsible for overseeing U.S. derivatives transactions, organized a seminar on cryptocurrency, the CFTC’s Technical Advisory Committee Curv CEO Itay Malinger was invited as an expert in the field of MPC technology to report to the committee the security advantages of key-based solutions such as MPC and hardware security modules (HSM) and multi-signature (MultiSig). This information will help the CFTC Technical Committee understand the technical details of MPC, and may refer to it when setting up a regulatory framework in the future.

Cool Apps|To apply secure multi-party computing to traditional finance, Curv chooses to start with encrypted asset custodyItay Malinger introduces MPC technology to the CFTC Technical Advisory Committee

Curv’s team is in the United States, but the core staff, including CEO, CTO, and chief scientist, all graduated from the famous Hebrew University or Tel Aviv University in Israel. CEO Itay Malinger worked in the Israeli government’s research and development department in the early days. Before founding Curv, he served as the director of Akamai, the world’s largest content distribution network.

According to Itay Malinger, the company’s services mainly face the world’s leading exchanges, custody service providers, OTC trading institutions and brokerage institutions, and have been favored by traditional financial institutions and digital asset management institutions. In addition to the “Franklin Templeton Fund”, Digital Currency Group’s cryptocurrency lending platform Genesis and social brokerage platform eToro are also their customers. These are the leading institutions in their respective verticals.

Cool Apps|To apply secure multi-party computing to traditional finance, Curv chooses to start with encrypted asset custodySome of Curv’s customers

Cryptocurrency exchanges are also potential customers of Curv, but many exchanges are building their own custody solutions. For example, one can often hear mentions of using cold wallets or multi-signature (MultiSig) technology. Itay Malinger revealed to Lianwen that if exchanges switch multi-signature or traditional solutions to their MPC solution, it will bring three things: “compatibility”, “asset support”, and “security and liquidity”. Advantage.

He said that there are no restrictions on the types of assets supported by MPC, unlike multi-signature technologies that only support specific blockchains. For example, ETH does not support multi-signature. “We have previously published an article on BSV about the recent Genesis fork. As a result, multi-signature providers have to stop supporting assets such as BSV, so any customer who uses a multi-signature solution will face operational challenges.”

In November last year, the South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit was hacked, resulting in the loss of 342,000 ETH. Itay Malinger believes that this is related to the way Upbit funds custody. Ethereum does not natively support multi-signature technology, but uses smart contracts to imitate multiple ETHs. The effect of signing will bring about wallet compatibility problems.

Upbit’s institutional suppliers used a smart contract-based multi-signature solution. Due to compatibility considerations, Upbit could not use the multi-signature solution and could only build their own solutions, which eventually led to the occurrence of this incident. If they treat Curv as a solution for all their types of assets, this kind of problem will never happen.”

If the market fluctuates greatly, there is no longer a need to distinguish between hot and cold wallets?

The recent huge volatility in the cryptocurrency market has made Itay Malinger see the use of MPC technology to help exchanges resolve the conflict between asset liquidity and security.

He said that MPC technology can maintain the same level of security as cold wallets, while taking into account liquidity, as long as they are connected to the Internet, they can be used at any time. “Using a key-based solution, exchanges have to transfer funds to cold wallets to reduce risks. But when market volatility increases, users’ demand for liquidity is very strong.”

The most recent black swan event in the cryptocurrency market was on March 12th, US time. On that day, various assets around the world fluctuated widely, including encrypted assets. Bitcoin’s biggest drop on the day was 50%. Itay Malinger said that Curv suffered the largest transaction volume since its establishment on the same day, but it never went down. He also added, “Extreme environments like Black Swan Day show the need for market participants to quickly transfer funds to the market or counterparties. Our multi-party secure computing wallet service achieves optimized transactions without sacrificing security. Operational capabilities have not been affected.”

How does MPC spread to more users?

Although Curv has always been serving large institutional-level customers, these technologies will ultimately benefit the institution’s own end customers. For example, the Franklin Templeton Fund provides financial management services for nearly 10 million investors. Curv recently launched API Key-based MPC solutions and Blackbox wallet solutions that are expected to further extend the popularity of MPC technology and open up more application scenarios in non-Curv wallets and non-Curv platforms.

The API Key Secure Multi-Party Computing (MPC) solution uses the same security and policy enforcement functions as Curv’s institutional-level wallets, and focuses on helping customers smoothly transfer encrypted assets between various non-Curv wallets.

In the Blackbox wallet solution, customers can use Curv’s distributed signature mechanism to ensure the security of all their encrypted asset transactions, regardless of whether these transactions are conducted on the Curv platform.

In addition to Curv, there are many projects that are studying MPC technology and exploring other application scenarios besides asset custody. For example, ZenGo implants MPC technology into end users’ cryptocurrency wallets and provides wallet solutions without private keys. The vision is similar to Curv, but the customer’s positioning is different. As for public chain projects such as PlatON or NuCypher, MPC technology is also applied to privacy data processing, privacy security and other scenarios.

Cool Apps|Applying secure multi-party computing to traditional finance, Curv chooses to start with encrypted asset custodyMPC Alliance List

These institutions launched an organization called “MPC Alliance” last year to jointly promote the development of this technology through academic research.

Although the concept of MPC was born about 40 years ago, it has not been until recently that MPC has received great attention from the industry, which has also brought some new challenges. Driven by these institutions, perhaps we can see more practical applications and landing scenarios in 2020.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, the articles published on this site only represent the author’s personal views, and have nothing to do with the position of ChainNews. The information, opinions, etc. in the article are for reference only, and are not intended as or regarded as actual investment advice.

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US FinCEN proposes new regulations for encrypted wallets, requiring them to apply the “Bank Secrecy Act” (

US FinCEN proposes new regulations for encrypted wallets, requiring them to apply the “Bank Secrecy Act”

Key points:

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) under the U.S. Department of the Treasury has issued proposed rules for uncustodial cryptocurrency wallets;

These rules will require money service companies to report certain encrypted transactions of such wallets to FinCEN;

FinCEN says these rules are designed to combat illegal activities.

The Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN), an agency of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, recently proposed requiring banks and money service companies to record transactions in private cryptocurrency wallets. The rumors that have been circulating for weeks have settled.

It was previously reported that the US Treasury Department is formulating regulations affecting crypto wallets. After weeks of speculation, the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network recently issued a proposed regulation that requires banks and money service companies (MSB) to record and verify the information of “customers who transfer money to unmanaged (private) encrypted wallets” , And submit relevant reports to law enforcement agencies.

The new regulations will be open for public comment before January 4, 2021. The new regulations propose that “convertible virtual currency” and “fiat currency digital assets” are classified as “currency instruments” and therefore should comply with the relevant provisions of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). .

According to these regulations, any transaction with a total transaction value of more than US$10,000 must be reported to the Financial Crime Enforcement Network under the U.S. Department of the Treasury within 24 hours, and the transaction service provider must verify the identity of the customer; in addition, many transactions are applicable to the lower US$3,000 Threshold.

Second, know your customer (KYC) rules even apply to private crypto wallets.

FinCEN stated that this “targeted expansion of BSA reporting and record keeping obligations” aims to prevent illegal finance involving cryptocurrencies. The announcement read:

“U.S. authorities have discovered that malicious actors are increasingly using CVC to facilitate international terrorism financing, weapons proliferation, sanctions evasion and transnational money laundering, while using it to buy and sell controlled substances, stolen and fraudulent identity documents and access Equipment, counterfeit goods, malware and’other computer hacking tools, guns and toxic chemicals'”.

The announcement specifically emphasized that there is sufficient evidence to show that privacy currencies such as “anonymity cryptocurrency” or Monero “are inextricably linked to illegal activities.”

In addition, the proposed rule has been publicly solicited for comments, and FinCEN made it clear that this is just a cutscene: “FinCEN believes that this proposal does not apply to notice-and-comment rulemaking requirements because it involves the diplomatic function of the United States. And “the public procedures established by the notice and comment rules are not feasible, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest. “

These proposed changes are not entirely unexpected. Last month, Brian Armstrong, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, stated that he had heard rumors about the imminent introduction of crypto wallet regulations and publicly urged the Ministry of Finance to reconsider:

“Given these obstacles, transactions from crypto financial institutions to self-custodial wallets may be reduced. This will effectively create a “walled garden” for crypto financial services in the United States, isolating us from innovations happening elsewhere in the world.”

Senator-elect Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming made no secret of her Bitcoin holdings. A few hours before the rules were released, she posted on Twitter that under the leadership of Secretary Steve Mnuchin, the U.S. Treasury Department was reforming in the wrong way.

“Congress is best suited to weigh important competition policy issues. A rule now passed may also extend the BSA to new types of transactions beyond the congressional intent. Treasury regulations may also be passed without public comment, as in the “Administrative The frequently abused part of the Administrative Procedure Act. Transparency creates good policies. It’s that simple. Let the sun shine in, Mr. Minister.”


Waves calls upon blockchain developers to apply for grants (

  • According to the association, this is the first batch of grants and more are to come.
  • The specific amount for each grant will vary and the maximum amount will be 100K WAVES.
  • The Waves Association aims to solve specific blockchain-related problems through this program.

The Waves Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to the mass adoption of Web 3.0, has invited developers to apply for the first batch of grants under the Waves Grant program. The organization made this invitation on December 1 through a blog post. Reportedly, the program will let developers propose solutions to be integrated into the Waves ecosystem as well as bid for a total of 250,000 WAVES.

According to the blog post, the association will issue grants in the Web 3.0 Development Grant category, which seeks to incentivize developers to build products on the Waves protocol. In so doing, the non-profit hopes to address specific problems and encourage the mass adoption of blockchain-based solutions, with a key focus on inter-chain communications.

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The publication went on to note that the Waves Association would accept grant applications starting December 1 up to February 1. The association promised to process all the requests promptly, adding that if its members deem an application valuable, it would issue the developer behind it a grant before the application deadline. Allegedly, the non-profit will determine the specific amount of each grant on a case-by-case basis, with the maximum amount of funds in a grant being 100,000 WAVES.

More application calls are yet to come

Per the organization, this is just the first batch of grants. Therefore, there will be more application calls in the same category at a later date. Through the next batches of grants, the association seeks to distribute grants totalling 1 million WAVES between 2020 and 2021. All grant decisions will be made via DAO, a community-powered tool that allows Waves Association members to announce grants and select eligible recipients.

The Waves Association went on to note that it encourages developers to propose solutions under the Web 3.0 Development Grants category. While the program appeals to developers to come up with solutions for specific use cases, it also welcomes ideas related to other aspects of blockchain technology. To check how their applications have turned out, developers will have to visit the Waves Association’s website.

This news comes after the Waves Association rolled out the Waves Grant program in October this year, targeting individuals blockchain developers, teams, and startups that can implement ideas that serve the interests of the Waves ecosystem.

At the program’s launch, Sasha Ivanov, president of the Waves Association subtly criticized some of the interoperability solutions in the market, saying,

“Waves Association aims to support independent developers working on interoperability solutions — especially those thinking outside the box. Solving interoperability by adding a dedicated blockchain and native token as an additional layer would only lead to more complexity, undercutting the potential of the proposed solution.”


Bitcoin’s price theories apply under these conditions (

2020 may be the year of the Bitcoin. With the cryptocurrency’s price staying above $12,700 3 days in a row and above $11,000 for the past two weeks, Bitcoin seems to be rallying again. However, price theories by Bitcoin maximalists have been making the rounds for the past 10 months now.

While price trends do not necessarily follow a chart or a predicted pattern, many maximalists single-mindedly tend to look at Bitcoin’s price action with a one-track mind.

Why Bitcoin Maximalist theories may not always applyWhy Bitcoin Maximalist theories may not always apply

Liquid Index for Bitcoin || Source: TradingView

From charts predicting Bitcoin at $100,000 before the fourth halving to the Winklevoss twins’ prediction of $500,000, crypto-twitter has seen it all. However, here it is important to note that many of these predictions are seemingly based on solid rationale.

Consider this – The case for Bitcoin at $500,000 is based on the fact that Great Monetary Inflation is high. The Fed has been printing its way out of debt, and this will lead to further inflation and further debt if the cycle continues. The failure of fiat currencies and centralized institutions is key to the $500,000 Bitcoin narrative. Inflation and scarcity, ergo, are the top two drivers of Bitcoin’s price, making it more valuable and scarcer than Gold.

Why Bitcoin Maximalist theories may not always applyWhy Bitcoin Maximalist theories may not always apply

Source: Twitter

While such narratives fit the bill and make a bullish case for Bitcoin, it does not help predict Bitcoin’s price in the short-run and neither does it guide retail traders or shed light on their dilemma before opening a long or short position. What it does is create a herd mentality and make sheep out of retail traders.

Smart money knows where it is going. The Grayscale Trust, MicroStrategy, and Square’s purchase of Bitcoin was at the $8000 to $11000 level. Although it is still impossible to ascertain if their entry into the space fueled more institutional participation, it did give a boost to the overall market sentiment. With the cryptocurrency’s price now hitting a high of $13,000 and staying there, it is only a matter of time before it crosses over from $12700 to $13000 on average close. 

While these predictions by maximalists paint a different picture of the market, what transpires is entirely overlooked, at least in their tweets and commentary. It is common knowledge that retail is the main driver of Bitcoin’s price, and not maximalist theories of the Fed printing money or fiat losing precious confidence from citizens. 

With several price rallies since late-2018, Bitcoin’s price is in fact predicted by a combination of signals, from technical charts to trade volumes on spot exchanges. While the entry of smart money and the bullish case presented by maximalists act as catalysts by stirring dormant retail traders into action, that may be all. The actual price action lies in the trade volume and order books of exchanges.

Consider this – In the past 2 months, dropping Bitcoin reserves on top exchanges have had a bigger impact on scarcity and price, than any other factor. It is also a key driver of the cyclic nature of Bitcoin’s price as scarcity post every halving drives the price up, thus, making it profitable for miners to continue mining, despite higher operation costs. Though this is common knowledge to almost every trader in the space, what’s on the surface grabs more attention than what lies under the surface.

So yes, 2020 maybe the year of the Bitcoin, and its price might just continue rallying to touch new ATHs soon enough. However, what’s important to note here is that what meets the eye is only the tip of the iceberg!

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Author: Refer to Source Ekta Mourya